2023年2月1日 星期三

an echo chamber.基輔 首都「Kiev」改成「KYIV 基輔」;首都「キエフ」改成「キーウ 基輔」;Gogol 的烏克蘭文拼法Hohol :Gogol ( Mykola Hohol 果戈里,1809-1852)烏克蘭人兼俄羅斯人 . 果戈里

Mr. Musk has often said that Twitter needs to be more open and filled with a greater diversity of voices and points of view. But Mr. Musk’s Twitter feed is often an echo chamber. He regularly sees, likes and replies to messages that are about him or are posted from accounts that often act as his cheerleaders, according to a New York Times review of his activity on the platform.

echo chamber
  1. 1.
    an enclosed space where sound reverberates.
    "purpose-built echo chambers allow the addition of natural-sounding reverberation to the recordings"
  2. 2.
    an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.
    "people are living in partisan and ideological echo chambers"

Gogol 的烏克蘭文拼法Hohol

Hoho's 'The Overcoat' warms audiences' hearts
https://www.animationxpress.com › animation › hohos-...

Jan 8, 2021 — Hoho's 'The Overcoat' warms audiences' hearts - Animation ... heart-warming adaptation of Nikolai Gogol's classic Russian folk tale which .

Homage to Gogol ( Mykola Hohol 果戈里,1809-1852)烏克蘭人兼俄羅斯人  . 果戈里全集 (九卷本 1999) Nikolai Gogol. Lectures on Russian Literature - Vladimir Nabokov

Dead Souls (Russian«Мёртвые души»Mjórtvyje dúshi) is a novel by Nikolai Gogol, first published in 1842, 

***Dead Souls (Russian: «Мёртвые души», Mjórtvyje dúshi) is a novel by Nikolai Gogol, first published in 1842, 

《果戈里畫傳》 王新穎,華東師範大學出版社,2004

Mykola Gogol | World Changers


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Mykola prayed for a long time. Then he picked up a briefcase and removed several papers from it. He tossed the rest into the fire. After crossing himself, he returned to his bed and cried uncontrollably. On the night of February 12, 1852, writer Mykola Hohol burned the second volume of his unique novel Dead Souls…
