Officers Manhandled and Beat Tyre Nichols. Here’s What Each One Did.
A Times analysis found that each of the six officers immediately used physical force, escalating even as Mr. Nichols became increasingly
As I left for Switzerland, my colleagues joked: "Don't get too drunk at the champagne receptions."
"That's the public perception of the World Economic Forum in the Swiss village: corporate fat cats, politicians and journalists on a ski junket followed by evenings quaffing bubbly," writes Richard Carter, now AFP's deputy bureau chief in Tokyo.
"Here's the thing: that's not too far from the truth! But for lowly journalists -- especially from news agencies like AFP trying to cov⋯⋯ 更多
Forget about Isis, the P.R.C. Chinese will be visiting a town near you soon. Now buying your stuff, next month buying your newspaper (cf. South China Morning Post in Hong Kong and almost all newspapers in Taiwan) and pressuring anyone who is "not a friend of China". No, I am not joking, this is going to happen. When I was young South Africa was the big bad country. China is ten times worse, but when white represses black it is called (rightly so) racism, when yellow represses yellow it is called "another culture". Western civilization has been bought by hyper nationalist fascist China. Of course everybody forgot the last time we had a heavily armed country like that with an enormous inferiority complex demanding Lebensraum.
忘了伊西斯, p.r.c. 中國會造訪的一個小鎮附近儘快回覆您. 現在買你的東西, 下個月買你的報紙(cf. 南華早報在香港和幾乎所有報紙在臺灣)和逼誰是"不是 朋友 的 中國". 不, 我不是在開玩笑, 這是會發生的. 我年輕時南非是大壞國家. 中國是十次了, 但更糟的時候, 白色represses黑它叫做(為什麼會那麼)種族歧視, 當黃represses黃色, 它叫"另一 種 文化". 西方文明已經買了超級民族主義法西斯中國. 當然大家都忘了最後的時間, 我們有了個沈重的武裝國家像那個跟個巨大的自卑感追求生存空間.
Japan’s Finance Minister to Quit After G-7 Blunder
Shoichi Nakagawa had raised eyebrows for slurred speech and muddled answers at a news conference.
Passengers on a two-week Caribbean cruise in February should have been quaffing cocktails and bonding by the pool. But they ended up drawing lines in the sand instead.
There's always going to be trouble in paradise. Despite the glorious trappings, passengers on board P&O's 77,000-ton Oceana liner were getting royally fed up with the lack of available deck chairs, accusing certain errant holidaymakers of using towels, books and bags to reserve places.
In the British mind, this could mean one thing, and one thing only: Germans were at work, seeking as ever to expand their Lebensraum.
- move (a heavy object) by hand with great effort."men used to manhandle the piano down the stairs"
- handle (someone) roughly by dragging or pushing."we were spat on, sworn at, and manhandled"
to drink something quickly or in large amounts
quaff-tide season for drinking
adjective HUMOROUS
If an alcoholic drink is quaffable, it is easy and pleasant to drink a lot of it:
This wine is very quaffable, isn't it?
slur (CRITICISM) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a critical remark about someone which is likely to have a harmful effect on their reputation:
Her letter contained several outrageous slurs against/on her former colleagues.
His comments cast a slur on the integrity of his employees.
verb [T] -rr-
The report slurs both the teachers and pupils.
slur (PRONOUNCE BADLY) Show phonetics
verb [T] -rr-
to pronounce the sounds of a word in a way which is unclear, uncontrolled or wrong:
Her speech was slurred but she still denied she was drunk.
noun [S]
The drug affected her vision and made her speak with a slur.
adjective [before noun] FORMAL
behaving wrongly in some way, especially by leaving home:
an errant husband
errant children
er・rant・ry ━━ n. 武者修行.

adjective HUMOROUS
If an alcoholic drink is quaffable, it is easy and pleasant to drink a lot of it:
This wine is very quaffable, isn't it?
noun [C]
a critical remark about someone which is likely to have a harmful effect on their reputation:
Her letter contained several outrageous slurs against/on her former colleagues.
His comments cast a slur on the integrity of his employees.
verb [T] -rr-
The report slurs both the teachers and pupils.
verb [T] -rr-
to pronounce the sounds of a word in a way which is unclear, uncontrolled or wrong:
Her speech was slurred but she still denied she was drunk.
noun [S]
The drug affected her vision and made her speak with a slur.
adjective [before noun] FORMAL
behaving wrongly in some way, especially by leaving home:
an errant husband
errant children
━━ a. 正道から外れた; (冒険的)遍歴の (a knight-errant).


[G.] n. 生活圏 (((ナチス)ドイツの地政学用語)).生存空間