Our Photographers in Ukraine on the Images They Can’t Forget
Times photographers have reported from the front line, from cities and villages and in the footsteps of refugees. These pictures stayed with them.
Hits in Germany: Pop from the German Top 100
This week: MORE good news for Sarah Connor fans – cos little sis Lulu is
following in her singing footsteps, right into the German charts……
Stop the trucks, hold your horses and tip your Stetsons, because today
it’s the sheriff’s birthday….
And a new German band have wicked sounds and wise words: don’t give up,
it’s time to live…!….
The DW-WORLD Article
sire (FATHER)
noun [C]
a male parent of an animal, especially a horse
verb [T]
to become the male parent of an animal or the father of a child:
The foal was sired by a cup-winning racehorse.
OLD USE OR HUMOROUS At the age of 70, he married a much younger woman and went on to sire two more children.verb
used as a form of address to a king:
I will serve you always, sire.
footstep noun [C]
a male parent of an animal, especially a horse
verb [T]
to become the male parent of an animal or the father of a child:
The foal was sired by a cup-winning racehorse.
OLD USE OR HUMOROUS At the age of 70, he married a much younger woman and went on to sire two more children.verb
- To be the biological father of
- To cause to come into existence
used as a form of address to a king:
I will serve you always, sire.
noun [C]
the sound made by a person walking as their foot touches the ground, or a step (= foot movement):
Walking along the darkened street, he heard footsteps close behind him.
plural noun
the route a person has taken in order to reach a place or to achieve something:
When he realized he'd lost his wallet, he retraced his footsteps (= went back the way he had come).
gloriousness glo'ri·ous·ness n.

-->- Having or deserving glory; famous.
- Conferring or advancing glory: a glorious achievement.
- Characterized by great beauty and splendor; magnificent: a glorious sunset.
- Delightful; wonderful: had a glorious visit with old friends.
gloriousness glo'ri·ous·ness n.
