2023年2月1日 星期三

diktat, blaspheme, complimented or praised him, “manipulated by the algorithm.”

It is unclear exactly what Mr. Musk sees in his feed. The exact sequence depends on whether he has chosen to receive algorithmic recommendations or just tweets from accounts he follows. (He has previously tweeted that people are being “manipulated by the algorithm.”)

His activity increasingly consists of replying to users who have mentioned him. When he responds to accounts that he does not follow, he frequently chooses those that have complimented or praised him: In dozens of instances over the past six months, according to the Times analysis, he has replied to tweets from users whose account descriptions mention that they support or invest in companies owned by Mr. Musk, or that they are fans of his leadership.

(dĭk-tät') pronunciation n.
  1. A harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party.
  2. An authoritative or dogmatic statement or decree.

[German, from Latin dictātum, from neuter past participle of dictāre, to dictate. See dictate.]

━━ n. (戦勝国による)絶対的命令. blaspheme


━━ v. (神に対して)不敬なことを言う; …の悪口を言う. blas・phem・er ━━ n. blas・phe・mous ━━ a. blas・phe・mous・ly ad. blas・phe・my 〔blǽsfimi〕  ━━ n. 不敬, 冒涜(とく); 汚い言葉.
