2023年2月24日 星期五

an affair, cave in/cave on, respective spouses, caver. there’s much to learn by going underground.Employ an Old Political Tactic: Blaming Your Spouse

紐時》 「台灣總統投降中國」-風傳媒


A silver-rich mountain in Bolivia is caving in after centuries of mining, but many of the men who work on the mountain do not want to move. Watch: http://nyti.ms/XipjQm

Oil Tycoon Says PWC Caved to Pressure Defense lawyers for jailed Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky are turning their legal guns on one of their client's former allies: auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers.

McConnell Calls for House GOP to Cave on Pay Roll Extension

The Senate's top Republican deals the latest blow to John Boehner and co.'s bid for a one-year extension.

In 1953 he married the poet Ursula Wood (1911–2007). At this time they moved from Dorking, Surrey back to London and occupied a house at 10 Hanover Terrace, Regents Park. She had met Vaughan Williams in 1938 and they had begun an affair while still married to their respective spouses.


━━ n. 配偶者.

  1. A hollow or natural passage under or into the earth, especially one with an opening to the surface.
  2. A storage cellar, especially for wine.

v., caved, cav·ing, caves. v.tr.
  1. To dig or hollow out.
  2. To cause to collapse or fall in. Often used with in: The impact caved in the roof of the car.
  1. To fall in; collapse. Often used with in: The walls caved in during the earthquake.
  2. To give up all opposition; yield. Often used with in: The school committee caved in to the demands of parents.
  3. To explore caves.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin cava, from neuter pl. of cavus, hollow.]
1 洞窟(どうくつ), ほら穴, (山腹の)横穴(▼大きなものはcavernという);(特にワインの)地下貯蔵室.
2 《英国史》(政党からの)脱党(組).
4 ((米俗))窓のない小さな事務室.
5 ショーを行う地階のカフェ.
1 …にほら穴[横穴]を掘る;〈とりでなどを〉穴を掘って作る((out));…を探検する.
2 〈帽子などを〉へこませる;〈地盤などを〉陥没[落盤]させる((in)).
1 〈帽子・壁などが〉へこむ;〈ほお・目などが〉落ち込む, くぼむ;〈屋根・天井などが〉崩れ落ちる;〈地盤が〉陥没[落盤]する((in)).
2 ((略式))〈人が〉(…に)へたばる, 降参する((to ...));〈抵抗・反対などが〉弱まる;〈会社が〉破産する((in)).
3 (スポーツとして)洞窟を探検する, ケービングをする
go caving
[古フランス語←ラテン語cavus(くぼんだ)の名詞用法. △CAVERN, CAGE

cave in (orcave something in)
1(With reference to a roof or similar structure) subside or collapse, or cause something to do this:the tunnel walls caved instorms caved the roof inLen’s club would have caved his skull in
1.1Yield or submit under pressure:the manager caved in to his demands

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Last week, on a visit to Los Angeles, the secretary of the Smithsonian, G. Wayne Clough, was still struggling to account for why he caved two months ago to Republican lawmakers and the leader of the Catholic League, a group that calls itself a defender of free speech. Mr. Clough told The Los Angeles Times that, among other things, fear of retaliatory budget cuts caused him to remove a video by Wojnarowicz from “Hide/Seek,” at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery in Washington, a show about same-sex themes in American portraiture.