A milkmaid daydreaming, a mistress clutching a letter, a city waking at dawn … Vermeer was a master of the intimate, absorbing moment – and this sublime show frees his glorious vision
Russia Sidesteps Western Punishments, With Help From Friends
By Ana Swanson
A surge in trade by Russia’s neighbors and allies hints at one reason its economy remains so resilient after sweeping sanctions.
Obama to Step Up Background Checks on Firearms
Aiming to sidestep Congress, President Obama will announce executive actions Tuesday designed to tighten federal enforcement of the nation’s gun laws and expand background checks, White House officials said.
Japan's Aso in China, likely to sidestep controversy
Reuters - USABEIJING (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso arrived in Beijing on Wednesday for a visit expected to focus on efforts to tackle the global economic ...
Anticipating restrictions on bonuses, officials at Citigroup and Morgan Stanley are exploring ways to sidestep tough new federal caps on compensation, The Wall Street Journal reported.
All the papers lead with financial features. The New York Times leads with another look at the Bush administration's new plan to sidestep the economic bailout package passed last week by Congress and, instead, emphasize an intervention that would directly invest government capital in American banks.
Big In Japan: Tokyo Mourns Jackson's Death
As the news of Michael Jackson's sudden death dominated Friday morning television programs in Japan, Tokyo music stores didn't miss a beat. ...
Japan feminists question first woman PM hopeful
TOKYO (AFP) — Japan for the first time has a chance of a female prime minister in Yuriko Koike, but feminists are sceptical on whether she would do the ...
Obama's nomination, "paves the way for a heated summer debate on the role her gender, Hispanic roots and working-class Bronx background should play in her rulings," notes USA Today. But how much of a debate will there actually be? No one expects too many fireworks. The NYT says the "White House appeared eager to dare Republicans to stand against a history-making nomination." Indeed, Republicans seem to still be trying to decide how much they'll push back against Sotomayor, knowing full well that an "all-out assault ... could alienate both Latino and women voters" while at the same time "sidestepping a court battle could be deflating to the party's base and hurt efforts to rally conservatives going forward," points out the Washington Post.
step up
phrasal verb of step
- 1.come forward for a particular purpose."Phil stepped up to coach the team"
- 2.increase the amount, speed, or intensity of something."police decided to step up security plans for the game"
feminism Show phonetics
noun [U]
the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state:
She had a lifelong commitment to feminism.
feminist Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who believes in feminism, often being involved in activities that are intended to achieve change:
All her life she was an ardent feminist.
a radical feminist
feminist Show phonetics
the feminist movement
feminist issues/literature

━━ a. 女性の, 女らしい; 優しい; (男が)女のような; 【文法】女性の.
miss a beat
Hesitate momentarily, out of embarrassment or confusion. This expression is most often used in a negative context, as in He sidestepped the reporter's probe into his personal life without missing a beat, or Not missing a beat, she outlined all the reasons for her decision. This expression alludes to the regular beat of musical time. [Mid-1900s]
v., -stepped, -step·ping, -steps. v.intr.
noun [U]
the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state:
She had a lifelong commitment to feminism.
feminist Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who believes in feminism, often being involved in activities that are intended to achieve change:
All her life she was an ardent feminist.
a radical feminist
feminist Show phonetics
the feminist movement
feminist issues/literature
━━ a. 女性の, 女らしい; 優しい; (男が)女のような; 【文法】女性の.
━━ n. 【文法】女性形; 女性名詞.
feminine gender 【文法】(the ~) 女性.
feminine rhyme 【韻律】女性韻 ((例:motion, notion)).

━━ n. 女らしさ; めめしさ; 女性であること; ((集合的)) 女性.
━━ n. 女権拡張論[運動]; 男女同権主義.
━━ n.

━━ n. (男性の)女性化.
miss a beat
Hesitate momentarily, out of embarrassment or confusion. This expression is most often used in a negative context, as in He sidestepped the reporter's probe into his personal life without missing a beat, or Not missing a beat, she outlined all the reasons for her decision. This expression alludes to the regular beat of musical time. [Mid-1900s]
v., -stepped, -step·ping, -steps. v.intr.
- To step aside: sidestepped to make way for the runner.
- To dodge an issue or a responsibility.
- To step out of the way of.
- To evade; skirt: sidestep a difficult question.