2023年2月6日 星期一

some, save the day (or situation), Reassigned

標本調查の理論 (B 德明(William Edwards, Deming)撰 齋藤金一郎譯
德明 (Deming, W. Edwards (William Edwards), 1900- )
16,439面 像 22公分

Some theory of sampling / W. Edwards Deming
Deming, W. Edwards (William Edwards), 1900-
New York : Wiley, [1950]

xvii, 602 p. : diagrs. ; 24 cm

save the day (or situation)

Find or provide a solution to a difficulty or disaster.
  • Foreign students did indeed save the situation; they provided 15 per cent of university revenues.
  • And if someday your organization is in the midst of an expensive dispute, and you provide the piece of electronic evidence that saves the day - well, that's priceless.
  • A strong president, a good president, would put his country before his pride and throw himself into saving the situation even if it meant admitting previous mistakes and ditching past policies and advisors.



  1. Being an unspecified number or quantity: Some people came into the room. Would you like some sugar?
  2. Being a portion or an unspecified number or quantity of a whole or group: He likes some modern sculpture but not all.
  3. Being a considerable number or quantity: She has been directing films for some years now.
  4. Unknown or unspecified by name: Some man called.
  5. Logic. Being part and perhaps all of a class.
  6. Informal. Remarkable: She is some skier.
  1. An indefinite or unspecified number or portion: We took some of the books to the auction. See Usage Note at every.
  2. An indefinite additional quantity: did the assigned work and then some.
  1. Approximately; about: Some 40 people attended the rally.
  2. Informal. Somewhat: some tired.
[Middle English, from Old English sum, a certain one.]
━━ a. ある, だれかの, 何かの; (ある)一部の; いくらかの ((数・量)); およそ; 相当な; 〔話〕 大した ((しばしば皮肉的)).
in some way (or other) どうにかして.
some day いつか, そのうち.
some few [little] 少しの; かなり多くの.
some more もう少し多く(の).
some one ある人, だれか; どれか一つ(の).
some or other …か何か, …かだれか.
some other day [time] いつかそのうちに.
some time しばらく, いつか.
━━ pron. ある人々[物]; いくらか, 多少.
and then some 〔話〕 さらにもっと(うんと).
━━ ad. 〔話〕 いくらか, 多少; 〔話〕 相当に.
