a social group that consists of well-educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers, who have good jobs and are neither very rich nor very poor:
The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors or accountants.
Compare lower class; upper class; working class.
middle-class Show phonetics
a middle-class suburb of New York
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
美國國會圖書館2007年3月公布的一份研究報告就叫《誰是中產階級?》。報告認為如果只從收入多少來屆定中產階級是得不出精確答案的,因為美國人從年收入不到 2萬美元到25萬美元的都認為自己是中產階級。美國人口統計局公布的最寬泛的中產階級定義是稅前家庭年收入1.9萬到9.2萬美元,最狹義的中產階級定義 是家庭年收入3.6萬至5.8萬美元。2005年到2006年,美國中間家庭稅前年收入(即一半家庭收入在這個水平以上,一半在以下。此數據並非家庭稅前 收入平均數。)為4.8萬美元。
median Show phonetics
describes the value which is the middle one in a set of values arranged in order of size:
Median household income fell last year.
median Show phonetics
noun [C] SPECIALIZED 中位數
central reservation UK noun [C usually singular] (US AND AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH median strip)
the narrow piece of land between the two halves of a large road
━━ n. 【解】正中動[静]脈; 【数】中数; 中点[線]; 【統計】中央値.