2018年9月10日 星期一

insinuate, Firkin Crane

His quickness to insinuate the trait of cheat wasn’t just because of Patrick Mouratoglou’s behaviour, but because there is still an unfair assumption that black people and black women in particular still can’t achieve greatness

 "The restored building was opened by Taoiseach Albert Reynolds in April 1992 and now houses the Institute of Choreography and Dance."http://www.corkpastandpresent.ie/....../thefirkincrane/

  1. 1.
    suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way.
    "he was insinuating that she slept her way to the top"

  2. 2.
    manoeuvre oneself into (a favourable position) by subtle manipulation.
    "he insinuated himself into the king's confidence"

firkin則是奶油桶,一桶firkin約25-31公斤重。crane是秤重,所以奶油交易所的大樓,就叫The Firkin Crane。
