2023年5月31日 星期三

formidable, revamp, steady force, becquerel, motherhood, Stand someone/something in good stead, formidable stature in the culture has shown a few cracks

Donald Trump’s political machine has started the year with more than $100mn, reinforcing his status as the Republican party’s most formidable fundraiser as he toys with another run for the White House in 2024

Guitarist and singer-songwriter Jimi Hendrix was born on this day in 1942. His talent was formidable, his ascent to fame swift

Stacy Schiff penetrates an ancient thicket of personalities and propaganda to reconstruct the Macedonian-Egyptian queen Cleopatra in all her ambition, audacity and formidable intelligence.

Illustration by Javier Jaén Benavides

Family Way

Two new books examine the current culture of motherhood: one bemoaning it and the other suggesting what might be done to improve the balance of work and family demands.

Up Front: Judith Warner

'Making Babies'

The novelist Anne Enright offers an unsentimental look at the essential condition of motherhood: absurdity.

Farm ministry effort to stop 'becquerel war' draws fire

photoA shop near JR Shinbashi Station in Tokyo sells produce harvested in Fukushima Prefecture with labels saying radioactive cesium is lower than 10 becquerels. (Asahi Shimbun file photo)
On April 23, a few days before the start of Japan's Golden Week holidays, phones at the farm ministry's Food Industry Affairs Bureau were ringing off the hook.

Angela Merkel: From shy physicist to re-elected stateswoman

Elected for a second term at the helm of Europe's largest economy, Angela
Merkel is regarded by voters as a steady force in a time of crisis and a
formidable presence on the world stage.

Wartime Soldier, Conflicted Mom

The U.S. military has in large part adapted to women fighting successfully alongside men. Motherhood, though, poses a more formidable challenge.

Pierre Curie and Marie Sklodowska wed on this date in 1895. The two became the formidable scientific team that discovered polonium and radium. In 1903, they shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Professor Henri Becquerel for their discovery of radioactivity.

Google's biggest threat may not be Microsoft (MSFT) or Yahoo! (YHOO).
No, one of the most formidable challenges facing Google (GOOG) is likely sitting in your pocket or purse. It's your cell phone, and it will put added pressure on Google and other Internet companies to revamp the way they handle online marketing.

to be useful or helpful to someone or something His language skills will stand him in good stead when he is traveling.

  1. inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.
    "a formidable opponent"

adjective ━━ a. 手に負えない, 恐るべき; 抜群の.
causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because they are impressive, powerful or difficult:
a formidable obstacle/task
a formidable adversary/enemy/opponent
a formidable intellect
DISAPPROVING the director and his formidable wife

(rē-vămp') pronunciation
tr.v., -vamped, -vamp·ing, -vamps.
  1. To patch up or restore; renovate.
  2. To revise or reconstruct (a manuscript, for example).
  3. To vamp (a shoe) anew.
The act or an instance of revamping; a complete reorganization or revision.

revampment re·vamp'ment n.


(bĕ-krĕl', bĕk'ə-rĕl') pronunciation
n. (Abbr. Bq)
The International System unit of radioactivity, equal to one nuclear decay or other nuclear transformation per second.

[After Antoine Henri BECQUEREL.]
