2024年11月11日 星期一

benchmark, unmistakable emblem, corral, corralling, Rodeo, "corral and seclude". Jerome Su, geofencing electronic fence,或稱 electronic corralling

Many Asian nations share characteristics that experts say may have helped them fare relatively well, including a tendency to react more quickly.
Unmistakable message: You've probably never seen Beethoven's Fidelio like this... #BTHVN2020
usic by Beethoven as the soundtrack to street protests, torture and bloodshed? In the first staging of his opera "Fidelio" in the New Year, the Bonn Opera takes a radical course.


Fidelio in Turkey: A new production of Beethoven's opera in Bonn | DW | 02.01.2020
Op-Ed Contributor

It's About the Work, Not the Office

Corralling workers in one place doesn't necessarily lead to productivity or innovation.
Proxy Showdown at the AOL Corral
AOL Chief Executive Tim Armstrong faces a referendum on his turnaround strategy for the aging Internet icon this week.

Another Twist for G.O.P. as Santorum Fares Well
Rick Santorum won the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and a nonbinding primary in Missouri on Tuesday, raising fresh questions about Mitt Romney’s ability to corral conservative support.

The French are treating it like a national celebration. President Nicolas Sarkozy contributed a note to the catalog extolling this “unmistakable emblem of the international influence of French culture.” The exhibition would have been a box office smash even if it had corralled fewer of Monet’s benchmarks.

In a perfect example of Brian Seed's eye for quirk, a boy corrals a pig, Ireland, 1963. See more: http://ti.me/1IpQ0VD
(Photo: Brian Seed)

2009年3月26日 星期四

Rodeo, "corral and seclude"

Obama, heading overseas for the first time as president next week, aims to use a combination of summit protocol and campaign flash to corral support for his programs.

Malaysian MPs sent overseas amid opposition takeover bid 5 hours ago
KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) — Dozens of lawmakers from the ruling coalition left Monday for Taiwan on an educational tour, in an apparent bid to prevent them from joining an opposition push to topple the government.
The opposition led by Anwar Ibrahim, who has vowed to unseat the coalition by September 16, said the trip was an attempt to "corral and seclude" parliamentarians amid the high-stakes negotiations.



  1. To set or keep apart, as from social contact with others. See synonyms at isolate.
  2. To screen from view; make private.
[Middle English secluden, to shut off, from Latin sēclūdere : sē-, apart + claudere, to shut.]

n.pl. -os.
  1. A public competition or exhibition in which skills such as riding broncos or roping calves are displayed.
  2. A cattle roundup.
  3. An enclosure for keeping cattle that have been rounded up.
[Spanish, corral, rodeo, from rodear, to surround, from rueda, wheel, from Latin rota.]
n. - 為打烙印而驅集牧牛, 牧人套馬表演會, 馬術競賽會
v. intr. - 參加競技
Wikipedia article "Rodeo".

Playboating is a discipline of kayaking or canoeing where the paddler performs various technical moves in one place (a playspot), as opposed to whitewater canoeing or kayaking where the objective is to travel the length of a section of river (although whitewater canoeists will often stop and play en-route). Specialised canoes or kayaks (boats) known as playboats are often used, but any boat can be used for playing.
Playboating is also known as Rodeo, or Freestyle Kayaking.

With the help of its singer/Dionysian bard, Shane McGowan — who still has a morbid streak, dresses like a rodeo clown and performs like a dervish — they’ll lead you in a singalong or three.

corral Show phonetics
noun [C]
an area surrounded by a fence for keeping horses or cattle in, especially in North America

corral Show phonetics
verb [T] -ll-
1 to guide horses or cattle into a corral

2 to gather a group of people together and keep them in one place, especially in order to control them:
Police corralled most of the demonstrators in a small area near the station.


(kə-răl') pronunciation
  1. An enclosure for confining livestock.
  2. An enclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense against attack during an encampment.
tr.v., -ralled, -ral·ling, -rals.
  1. To drive into and hold in a corral.
  2. To arrange (wagons) in a corral.
  3. To take control or possession of.
  4. To gather; garner: "difficult for congressional leadership to corral a majority of votes" (Don J. Pease).
[Spanish, from Vulgar Latin *currāle, enclosure for carts, from Latin currus, cart, from currere, to run.]

【談文論譯】「電子圍籬」Electronic Fence or Geofencing 蘇正隆
如果是住宅、工地和工廠為了安全管理針對環境死角或危險區域,裝置監視、警示系統,防止誤闖或入侵的狀況發生,叫 electronic fence。「電子圍籬」 可透過自行劃定環境區域,進行偵測,透過網路連接,實現遠端監控,即時提醒。
在狗或家畜身上繫項圈或植入晶片,用來拘限牠們活動範圍,防止跑遠或走失的裝置也叫 electronic fence,或稱 electronic corralling。見以下寵物用品網站文字:
. . . Should you buy a traditional physical fence made of wood or chain link? Or is a wireless or in-ground electronic fence better for your pet and yard?
(Gretchen Statz, PetSafe)
Electronic fence 也用來指「對空偵測系統」, Wikipedia 在介紹美國的 Space Detection and Tracking System(對空偵測系統)時提到:
The Air Force had a program . . . , which was a network of space-probing cameras and radar. The Navy had . . . a space surveillance system that was “an electronic fence” that protected the southern United States.
新冠疫情期間台灣利用「電子圍籬系統」有效追蹤確診者及居家檢疫者的行蹤,深受國際誇讚。 這種「電子圍籬系統」則是 geofencing,見以下Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary 的解釋。
Geofencing is a technology that uses satellite signals to create a virtual boundary around a specific area. This boundary can be used to record or limit the movements of a person or vehicle, or to trigger a specific action when an electronic device enters the area. (Merriam-Webster)
Oxford 網路詞典也解釋得很清楚:
Geofencing is the use of GPS or RFID technology to create a virtual geographic boundary, enabling software to trigger a response when a mobile device enters or leaves a particular area.
2020 年 2 月台灣完成「電子圍籬系統」,連結健保署與移民署資料庫。鑽石公主號短暫停泊台灣就駛往日本,疫情指揮中心與電信業者合作,利用手機訊號追蹤,一天內就將三千多筆旅客資料追出來,抓出了 51 個北北基熱點,並匡列出郵輪乘客接觸的六十三萬人,發送簡訊示警。
據中央疫情指揮中心資訊組的說明, Google Map 使用 GPS (全球定位系統) 定位,誤差為 10 公尺,但電子圍籬系統採手機與「基地台」的距離定位,誤差約 50 公尺,郊區的誤差則更大,較能保障隱私。
Geofencing 利用全球定位系統或無線射頻辨識設定擬真的地理疆界,當電子裝置進出特定區域時,軟體可以觸發反應。(Jerome Su, Nov. 8, 2024)


To those within them—the youngsters—schools appear to be concerned far more with the corralling or gaoling function.
Hansard archive
The failure of the little man in regard to lobster corralling is that he cannot bring the sea to the land without the aid of electric power.
  1. A standard by which something can be measured or judged: "Inflation . . . is a great distorter of seemingly fixed economic ideas and benchmarks" (Benjamin M. Friedman). See synonyms at standard.
  2. often bench mark A surveyor's mark made on a stationary object of previously determined position and elevation and used as a reference point in tidal observations and surveys.
tr.v., -marked, -mark·ing, -marks.
To measure (a rival's product) according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one's own product.

[From the use of the mark as a place to insert an angle iron that serves as a support for a leveling rod.]
