2024年1月6日 星期六

gluml 愁悶 , flotilla, poop, party pooper, prosaic, saltine, contact, lose contact with

The real party pooper (I’m sorry) is Joseph Beuys. Though he did not live to see the launch of Luna Luna, the German father of performance art contributed a short manifesto. Blown up in the present warehouse like a bus stop ad, this document asserts, citing Marx, that “Money is not capital. Rather, ability is capital.”

Mentions of “war”, frowned upon by the Kremlin, have risen sharply, as have “scary”, “ashamed” and “horror”
The war in Ukraine has made Russian social-media users glum
Posts on Twitter are far sadder today than at the start of the covid-19

The glum sales trends, however, mask some of the fresh thinking in computers the last few years.

Today Angela Merkel travels to Moscow to say a disillusioned goodbye to Vladimir Putin. She has come to distrust him deeply

Angela Merkel’s glum trip to Moscow and Kyiv
From “flawless” to lawless

The Guardian

Pope Francis gave Trump a large medallion that depicted an olive branch, a symbol of peace, to which the president replied: “We can use peace.”

Pope looks glum after Vatican meeting with Donald Trump
Encounter considered more successful than their first but was noteworthy for its sombre tone

Guardian Commenter Sums Up How Absolutely Screwed Boris Johnson Is After Brexit Vote
He did look very glum.


Malaysia Airlines Loses Contact With Jet Carrying Over 200

The hidden metaphors are revealing: we get "into" debt, as if into a prison, swamp, or well, or possibly a bed; we get "out" of it, as if coming into the open air or climbing out of a hole. If we are "overwhelmed" by debt, the image is possibly that of a foundering ship, with the sea and the waves pouring inexorably in on top of us as we flail and choke. All of this sounds dramatic, with much physical activity: jumping in, leaping or clambering out, thrashing around, drowning. Metaphorically, the debt plot line is a far cry from the glum actuality, in which the debtor sits at a desk fiddling around with numbers on a screen, or shuffles past-due bills in the hope that they will go away, or paces the room wondering how he can possibly extricate himself from the fiscal molasses.

The campaign, from the Nabisco division of Kraft Foods, promotes the ability of Premium saltine crackers to liven up a prosaic bowl of soup. The campaign began last fall in Canada and arrived in this country last month, with some changes.

One answer to these questions is that nobody likes a party pooper. While the housing bubble was still inflating, lenders were making lots of money issuing mortgages to anyone who walked in the door; investment banks were making even more money repackaging those mortgages into shiny new securities; and money managers who booked big paper profits by buying those securities with borrowed funds looked like geniuses, and were paid accordingly.

anda poop to do double duty in China
abc13.com - Houston,TX,USAResearchers at a giant panda reserve in southern China are looking for paper mills to process their surplus of fiber-rich panda excrement into high quality ...

Even before the British presidency began, a good contact in Downing Street told me that despite the politicians' and media's attempt to make it a glamorous affair of opportunities, the reality was more prosaic: "It's a bit like driving your mates to the pub. When it's your turn, you do it." Britain now stands accused of party pooping, glumly nursing an orange juice in the corner.

Party pooper (opposite; the anti-partier)

Modern-day Americans, Robert Capon wrote glumly, "drink the way we exercise: too little and too hard". Priest, theologian and food writer, he was born on this day in 1925

The Romans remained in Britain for the next 400 years. By the time they left in AD 409, to attend (in vain) to the fate of their fast-crumbling Western Empire in Europe (Rome would be sacked by the Huns a year later, and the Empire would die after only seventy more), Britain had been under their military and cultural influence for very nearly the same amount of time as separates us today from the Renaissance. The Romans did leave something of an imperial linguistic legacy: by the time the next flotilla of invaders reached the shingle beaches of what is now East Anglia, a language had already taken root in the southern isles of the British archipelago that was a mixture, on the one hand, of the early Celtic dialects (or British, as some
might call it) and, on the other, of that language which many English schoolchildren would recognize all too glumly as that still used today in texts like Caesar's Civil War, Book Two.

羅馬人留在不列顛四百年,直到西元四○九年才離開,前去挽救急速崩解的西羅馬帝國,結果卻徒勞無功(一年後,羅馬帝國遭匈奴人攻克,不下七十年,整個帝國滅亡)。不列顛人受到羅馬軍事及文化影響的時間,幾乎等同從文藝復興到現今的時間。羅馬人確實留下某種屬於帝國的語言遺產;下一批侵略者的船艦來到今日的東英格蘭(East Anglia)圓卵石海岸登陸,但在那之前,已有一種語言在不列顛群島的南方島嶼紮根。那是種混合語,一部分是早期的凱爾特方言(有人稱之為不列顛語),一部分是則是讓許多英國學童愁眉苦臉、在凱撒大帝《內戰:卷二》(Civil War, Book Two)之類的教科書中還使用的語言。


    1. A small fleet.
    2. A fleet of small craft.
    1. A U.S. Navy organizational unit of two or more squadrons of small warships.
    2. A similar unit in the navy of another country.
  1. Informal. A group of vehicles owned or operated as a unit: “Now [the limousine service] has a flotilla of about 150 cars, more than 200 uniformed chauffeurs” (People).
[Spanish, diminutive of flota, fleet, from Old French flote, from Old Norse floti.]

glum  愁悶

  1. Moody and melancholy; dejected.
  2. Gloomy; dismal.
  1. The quality or state of being moody, melancholy, and gloomy or an instance of it: “He was a charming mixture of glum and glee” (Lillian Hellman).
  2. glums Chiefly British. The blues. Often used with the: “Most other publications have got the glums” (Tina Brown).
[Probably akin to Middle English gloumen, to become dark. See gloom.]
glumly glum'ly adv.

  1. An enclosed superstructure at the stern of a ship.
  2. To cause to become fatigued; tire: "Many people stop here, pooped by the short, steep climb" (Sierra Club Guides to the National Parks).
  3. Inside information: She gave me all the poop on the company party.

excrement, especially dogs' excrement on the ground in public places

Your puppy's just pooped right outside my front door.

━━ n. 〔米俗〕 情報, 内幕, 真相.SLANG
Did you get the poop on all the candidates?
poop sheet 〔米〕 情報リスト, データ表.
poop (TIRED)
be pooped to be very tired:
I'm pooped! I must get some sleep.

  1. To quit because of exhaustion: poop out of a race.
  2. To decide not to participate, especially at the last moment.

One who poops out on an activity; one who dampens the mood by lack of participation or negative attitude.

nin·com·poop ( nĭn'kəm-pūp', nĭng'-) pronunciation
A silly, foolish, or stupid person.

━━ v. 〔米話〕 疲れさせる, へとへとになる; 故障する ((out)).
pooped (out) 疲れきって.
. - 船尾楼, 船尾, 船尾楼甲板
v. - 船尾を打つ, 船尾にうける

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin prōsa (ōrātiō), straightforward (discourse), feminine of prōsus, alteration of prōrsus, from prōversus, past participle of prōvertere, to turn forward : prō-, forward; see pro-1 + vertere, to turn.]
pro·sa·ic (prō-zā'ĭk) pronunciation
    1. Consisting or characteristic of prose.
    2. Matter-of-fact; straightforward.
  1. Lacking in imagination and spirit; dull.
[Late Latin prōsaicus, from Latin prōsa, prose. See prose.]
prosaically pro·sa'i·cal·ly adv.
prosaicness pro·sa'ic·ness n.
sal·tine (sôl-tēn') pronunciation
A thin crisp cracker sprinkled with coarse salt.


Syllabification: con·tact


Pronunciation: /ˈkänˌtakt/
  • 1The state or condition of physical touching: the tennis ball is in contact with the court surface for as little as 5 milliseconds

  • 1.1The state or condition of communicating or meeting: Lewis and Clark came into contact with numerous river tribes he had lost contact with his friends

  • 1.2 [as modifier] Activated by or operating through physical touch: contact dermatitis

  • 1.3A connection for the passage of an electric current from one thing to another, or a part or device by which such a connection is made: a one-way electrical contact between a metal and a semiconductor

  • 1.4 (contacts) Contact lenses.

  • 2A meeting, communication, or relationship with someone: they have forged contacts with key people in business

  • 2.1A person who may be communicated with for information or assistance, especially with regard to one’s job: Francie had good contacts

  • 2.2A person who has associated with a patient with a contagious disease (and so may carry the infection).


Pronunciation: /ˈkänˌtakt, kənˈtakt/
[with object] Back to top  
  • Communicate with (someone), typically in order to give or receive specific information.



Pronunciation: /ˈkänˌtaktəbəl, kənˈtak-/


early 17th century: from Latin contactus, from contact- 'touched, grasped, bordered on', from the verb contingere, from con- 'together with' + tangere 'to touch'.
