2023年11月2日 星期四

home, infamy, homegrown, make inroads into,

"The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth." ~ Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound: Poems & Translations

China's Arms Industry Makes Global Inroads


From drones to frigates to fighter jets, Chinese companies are aggressively pushing sales of high-tech hardware, mostly in the developing world.

Microsoft Prices Surface Tablet
Microsoft is announcing prices for its first-ever homegrown computing device due out this month, setting a starting price that follows the lead of Apple's iPad. The least expensive model will be $499.

China and India Making Inroads in Biotech Drugs
New York Times
Dr. Hamied said in a telephone interview last week that he and a Chinese partner, BioMab, had together invested $165 million to build plants in India and China to produce at least a dozen biotech medicines. Other Indian companies have also built such ...
Pearl Harbor and 9/11: A fleeting day of infamy
Los Angeles Times
Americans were told it was time to forget about what happened because the US needed Japan's help to fight communism in Asia. By Jon Wiener If you Google "Pearl Harbor and 9/11," you get more than 4 million hits. In George W. Bush's 9/11 interview on ...

Quite Big in Britain, Not Quite in the U.S.

It is notable that an artist who has achieved Tracey Emin’s level of stardom in Europe should struggle to make inroads here.

And unlike some corners of the globe, where tabloid infamy and legal troubles started to make inroads on his ticket sales, Japan proved to be a more forgiving audience for Jacko.

Money Talks | 01.10.2008 | 04:30

German Logistics Companies Making International Inroads

Germany is well known for quality engineering and car manufacture but it is also home to the world leaders in operational and logistics services.

German companies, such as Deutsche Post World Net (DPWN) are the global market leaders for logistics which is the 3rd strongest economic sector in the country. Now the German government and logistics companies have created a new joint marketing platform, the Logistics Council Germany (LCD) in order to extend their reach world-wide.


--> ━━ n. (普通pl.) 侵入, 侵害 ((on, into)).
make inroads into (資源など)に食い込む.


  1. A place where one lives; a residence.
  2. The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or apartment.
  3. A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.
    1. An environment offering security and happiness.
    2. A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin.
  4. The place, such as a country or town, where one was born or has lived for a long period.
  5. The native habitat, as of a plant or animal.
  6. The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source.
  7. A headquarters; a home base.
    1. Baseball. Home plate.
    2. Games. Home base.
  8. An institution where people are cared for: a home for the elderly.
  9. Computer Science.
    1. The starting position of the cursor on a text-based computer display, usually in the upper left corner of the screen.
    2. A starting position within a computer application, such as the beginning of a line, file, or screen or the top of a chart or list.
    1. Of or relating to a home, especially to one's household or house: home cooking; home furnishings.
    2. Taking place in the home: home care for the elderly.
  1. Of, relating to, or being a place of origin or headquarters: the home office.
  2. Sports. Relating to a team's sponsoring institution or to the place where it is franchised: a home game; the home field advantage.
  3. Of, relating to, or being the keys used as base positions for the fingers in touch-typing: The home row on a standard keyboard consists of the keys for A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and ;.
  1. At, to, or toward the direction of home: going home for lunch.
  2. On or into the point at which something is directed: The arrow struck home.
  3. To the center or heart of something; deeply: Your comments really hit home.

v., homed, hom·ing, homes. v.intr.
  1. To go or return to one's residence or base of operations.
  2. To be guided to a target automatically, as by means of radio waves.
  3. To move or lead toward a goal: The investigators were homing in on the truth.
To guide (a missile or aircraft) to a target automatically.
at home
  1. Available to receive visitors: at home on Thursdays.
  2. Comfortable and relaxed; at ease: at home in diplomatic circles.
  3. Feeling an easy competence and familiarity: at home in French.
home free
  1. Out of jeopardy; assured of success: We had our hardest exams first and were home free after that.
[Middle English, from Old English hām.]

n., pl. -mies.
  1. Evil fame or reputation.
  2. The condition of being infamous.
  3. An evil or criminal act that is publicly known.
[Middle English infamie, dishonor, from Old French, from Latin īnfāmia, from īnfāmis, infamous. See infamous.]
  • [ínfəmi]

1 [U]悪名, 汚名, 悪評;不名誉;(世間の)強い非難.
2 [U]恥ずべきふるまい[性格];邪悪, 極悪;[C]((通例 -mies))破廉恥行為, 醜行, 非行.
3 [U]《法律》公民権[国政参与権]喪失, 名誉喪失.


--> ━━ n. 家, 家庭, 自宅; 住宅; 住所; 本国, 故郷; 本場, 中心地; 本拠地, 地元; (動物の)生息地; (植物の)自生地; 原産地; 宿泊所, 安息所, 収容施設; 決勝点; 【野】本塁; 【コンピュータ】本来ある場所, 最初の場所.
a home (away) from home まるでわが家のようなところ.
at home 在宅して; 面会できる状態[時間]で ((to)); 故郷[本国]に; 地元で; 気楽に; 慣れて, 気のおけない ((with)); 精通して, 上手で ((in, on)).
find a home for …の収納場所を見つける.
one's last [long] home 墓.
(Please) make yourself at home. (どうぞ)お楽に.
the home of lost causes 〔皮肉〕 オックスフォード大学.
Who's he [she] when he's [she's] at home? 〔戯言〕 ((he, sheのかわりに名詞も入る)) 彼[彼女]は一体何者なのか.
━━ a. 家庭の, 自宅(付近)の; 自家製の; 自国の, 内地の, 国内の; 故郷の; 地元の; 中心[急所]を突く, 痛切[烈]な.
━━ ad. わが家へ, 帰宅して; 故郷[本国]へ; 家に (at home); 急所を突いて, ひしと; 【野】本塁へ; 【スポーツ】決勝点へ.
bring home to …に痛切に感じさせる.
come home 帰宅[帰国]する; 胸にこたえる ((to)).
go home 家へ帰って行く, 帰郷[帰国]する; (矢などが)的に当たる; (推測などが)的中する; 強く胸に訴える.
home and dry 〔英話〕 無事目的[任務など]を果たして.
home free 〔俗〕 成功[勝利]がほぼ確実で; 〔俗〕 (重圧などから)解放されて.
nothing to write home about とり立てて言うほどのこともない.
━━ v. 家[故国]に帰る[らせる]; (ハトが)巣に帰る; 家を構える[与える].
home in on (ミサイルなどが)(自動誘導装置により)…へ向かって進む; (目標へ)向かって直進する; …にねらいを定める.
home banking ホームバンキング ((パソコンから自分の銀行口座にアクセスし各種料金の支払いなどをするシステム)).
home base 【野】本塁.
home-beat 〔英〕 警官の自分の居住地域付近の巡回区域.
home・body 出不精(の人).
home・bound ━━ a. (船舶などが)本国行きの; 家路に向かう.
Home Box Office =HBO.
home・boy 〔俗〕 同郷人; 〔米俗〕 不良仲間.
home・bred ━━ a. 自宅育ちの; 粗野な; うぶな; 国産の, 土着の.
home brew 自家醸造ビール; 【コンピュータ】自家製(コンピュータ).
home-brewed a. 自家醸造の.
home center ホームセンター ((日曜大工品,園芸,手工芸,自動車用品,組立式家具等を扱う大型店)).
home・coming 帰宅; 帰郷; 大学祭 ((卒業生を迎えて行う)).
home computer 家庭用パソコン.
Home Counties (the ~) Londonの近郊諸州.
home・cured ━━ a. (ベーコンなどが)自家製の.
Home Depot ホーム・デポ ((米国の建築資材販売業者)).
home directory 【コンピュータ】ホーム・ディレクトリ.
home economics ((普通単数扱い)) 家政学.
home front (the ~) 国内戦線, 銃後.
home fr 皮付きのフライドポテト.
home・grown ━━ a. 国内[地方]産の; 地元出身の.
homegrown software 【コンピュータ】ホームメードソフトウェア.
Home Guard 〔米〕 (the ~) 地方義勇兵; 〔英〕 国防市民兵; 〔英〕 (the ~) 国防市民軍.
home help 〔英〕 ホームヘルパー.
home improvements ((複数扱い)) (部屋などの)改築工事.
home・keeping ━━ a. 家[自国]にばかりいる, 引っ込み勝ちな.
home key 【コンピュータ】ホーム・キー.
home・land (one's ~) 故国, 自国; 〔南アフリカ〕 ホームランド ((人種隔離政策による黒人居住地域)).
home・less ━━ a. 家のない; (the ~) ホームレスの人々.
home・less・ness n.
home・like ━━ a. わが家のような, 気楽な.
home・ly ━━ a. 家庭(的)の, 家庭向きの, 質素な; 日常の, ありふれた; 気取りのない, 飾りのない; 不器量な ((uglyの婉曲語)).
home・li・ness n.
home・made ━━ a. 手製の, 自家製の, 国産の; 粗末な.
home・maker 家庭を切り盛りする人, 主婦, 主夫.
home management software 【コンピュータ】家計簿ソフトウェア.
home movie ホームムービー, 自作映画[ビデオ].
Home Office 〔英〕 (the ~) 内務省.
home・owner 自宅所有者.
home page 【コンピュータ】(wwwの)ホームページ ((cf. Internet)).
home plate =home base.
home port 母港.
home position 【コンピュータ】(キーボードタッチの)ホーム・ポジション.
home range 【エコロジー】(動物の)行動域[圏].
home record 【コンピュータ】ホーム・レコード.
home・room ホームルーム(の教室,時間).
home row 【コンピュータ】ホームロウ ((タッチ・タイピングの際に,いつも指を戻すキーがあるキーボード上の列)).
home rule 地方[内政]自治.
home run 【野】本塁打, ホームラン.
home sales 【商業】国内販売[売上]高.
home schooling 【教育】自宅教育 ((公教育に対する批判から自分の子供を自宅で教えること)).
home screen テレビ.
Home Secretary 〔英〕 内務大臣[内相].
home shopping ホーム・ショッピング ((テレビ・ショッピングやカタログ販売等,家にいながら買い物ができる方式)).
home・sick ━━ a. 家[故国]を恋しがる.
home・sickness n. ホームシック.
home・sitter ホームシッター ((家主の不在中,家に住み込んで家の管理をする人)).
home・sit vi. ホームシッターを務める.
home・spun ━━ a., n. 手織りの; 素朴な; 平凡な; 手織り物, ホームスパン; 粗野な(人).
home・stay ホームステイ ((留学生などが現地家庭に滞在すること)).
home・stead (農家の)家屋敷 ((畑地を含めて)); (移民に与えられる)自作農地 ((160エーカー)).
home・steader n. 自作農場入植者.
home straight, home・stretch (ゴール前の)直線コース; 最後の部分.
home・town ━━ n., a. 生れ故郷(の町), 生地(の), 故郷出身の; 現在住んでいる町.
home truth 不愉快な事実.
home・ward ━━ a., ad. 家[本国]へ(向かって)(の).
home・wards ━━ ad.homeward.
home・work 自宅での仕事, 内職; 自習, 宿題, 予習; 下調べ.
home・working n.
home・y ━━ a. 家庭的な, 居心地のよい.
