2023年1月2日 星期一

unsinkable, shrinkable, almighty. The Unstoppable, Unsinkable, Uninhibited Margo Price

Culture and Lifestyle

America is heading for an almighty fight over presidential authority


How the shutdown in Washington ends
Trump’s cards

Almighty: The Dollar: Shrinkable but (So Far) Unsinkable
美金萬能 會縮水--貶值 但至今看來還不會萬劫不復

verb [I or T] shrank, shrunk
to become smaller, or to make something smaller:
Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.
The company's profits have shrunk from £5.5 million to £1.25 million.
The productivity improvements have shrunk our costs by 25%.
See also shrunken.

noun [U]
Synthetic fabrics are less susceptible to shrinkage than natural ones.

adj. (of a ship or boat) unable to be sunk: the supposedly unsinkable ship hit an iceberg.
Meaning #1: incapable of being sunk
Antonym: sinkable (meaning #1)

almighty (GOD)
(of God) having the power to do everything:
Almighty God

the Almighty noun [S]
We must pray to the Almighty for forgiveness.

almighty (BIG)
adjective [before noun] INFORMAL
very big, loud or serious:
All of a sudden we heard an almighty crash from the kitchen.
There was an almighty row when I asked them to leave.
