2023年1月24日 星期二

mildew, mildewlike, rats, sherry as an aperitif, savor the smell of books? Environmental medicine

Did he “love to read”? Did he savor the smell of books? Almost certainly not; after a few California winters, most of his library just smelled like mildew and rats. 

(ræts ) US. interjection. Slang. used to signify disgust, scorn, disappointment, etc.

Rats definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Environmental medicine的界定

環署抽檢 威滅滅蟑隊滅飛電蚊香用藥過量

(中央社記者陳舜協台北十八日電)環保署今天公佈「2007 年環境用藥查核抽驗結果」,不合格率約百分之 一點四四,不合格原因多是超過有效期限,但有九件是用藥超量、兩件為用藥量不足。用藥超量的產品包括知名的威滅滅蟑隊、滅飛電蚊香,其中韓國廠商製造的威 滅滅蟑隊超量更超過法定標準兩倍。 環保署環境衛生及毒物管理處 2007 年共查核環境用藥製造商、販賣通路及病媒防治業共三百六十七家次,抽驗三萬三千七百一十七件環境用藥,結果有一百二十二件不合格,不合格率為百分之一點四 四,除十一件用藥超量、不足外,其餘都是過期仍陳列販售違規。 毒管處處長袁紹英表示,十一件用藥超量、不足環境用藥產品都已被依法開罰新台幣六萬元到三十萬元,問題批號產品並已被限期下架回收,民眾不必過慮,其他抽 檢陳列過期產品部分,也被要求下架,若再被查出陳列過期產品,商家也會被依法開罰三萬元到十五萬元不等罰金。 根據毒管處提供資料,十一件用藥量不符標準產品包括威滅滅蟑隊(批號 2006/06/22S6F22)、滅飛電蚊香(批號 2007/05/18D3)都屬用藥過量,其中威滅滅 蟑隊更高出法定用量兩倍。 袁紹英表示,環境用藥過量易使病媒蚊蟲產生抗藥性,藥量不足則沒有效果,但「環境用藥畢竟是具毒性產品」,建議民眾滅蚊防蟲,應以「環境整頓為主、適度用 藥為輔」,若真的要使用環境用藥,也要細讀使用安全須知,並避免同處一室,「一般人睡覺時點電蚊香是錯的,應在睡前兩、三小時前使用」,使用後也應維持室 內通風。970318

Wikipedia article "Environmental medicine".
Environmental medicine, is a multidisciplinary field involving medicineenvironmental sciencechemistry and others. The scope of this field involves studying the interactions between environment and human health, and the role of the environment in causing or mediating disease. As a specialist field of study it is looked upon with mixed feelings by physicians and politicians alike, for the basic assumption is that health is more widely and dramatically affected by environmental toxins than previously recognised.

[edit] Current focuses of environmental medicine

Environmental medicine is a broad field, but there are a few issues that are currently prominent which include:
  • The effects of ozone depletion and the resulting increase in UV radiation on humans with regards to skin cancer.
  • The effects of nuclear accidents or the effects of a terrorist dirty bomb attack and the resulting effects of radioactive material and radiation on humans.
  • The effects of chemicals on humans, such as dioxin, especially with regards to cancer.
  • Radon gas exposure in individuals' homes.
  • Air and water pollution on the health of individuals.
  • Mercury poisoning and exposure to humans though including fish and sea life in their diet.
  • Lead poisoning from leaded gasoline, paint, and plumbing.

clinical ecology


The study of the effects of environmental exposure to synthetic chemicals on the immune system. Also called environmental medicine.

(ræts ) US. interjection. Slang. used to signify disgust, scorn, disappointment, etc.


Fortified wine of Spanish origin. It takes its name from the province of Jerez de la Frontera in Spain. Essential to its taste is the action of flor, a mildewlike growth encouraged by a slight exposure to air after fermentation. Also unique is the solera system of blending wines of many vintage years. Sherry is fortified after fermentation with high-proof brandy to 16 – 18% alcohol. It is served primarily as an aperitif, though sweeter, heavier sherries are used as dessert wines

Thus there are no vintage sherries and the quality is consistent year after year. Sherries range in color, flavor and sweetness. Fino, considered by many to be the world's finest sherry, is pale, delicate and very dry. Finos are excellent when young but should not be aged because they don't improve and may lose some of their vitality. They're often served chilled as an apéritif.


--> ━━ n. アペリティフ ((食前酒)).

An alcoholic drink taken as an appetizer before a meal.
[French, from Old French aperitif, purgative, from Medieval Latin aperitīvus, from Late Latin apertīvus, from Latin apertus, past participle of aperīre, to open.]
