2023年1月19日 星期四

travelogue, hogan, out of ‘cultural sensitivity’ , sensitivities

With clothes that combine British tailoring and the sensibilities of the African diaspora, Grace Wales Bonner is making her mark on fashion.

Media Cause Stir as World Awaits News on Mandela
A central dilemma for the government is how to reconcile the appetite for news of Nelson Mandela’s health with the deep sensitivities of South Africans.

“Before we started this program, the subject was generally avoided out of ‘cultural sensitivity,’ depriving patients and families of preparing for death spiritually, emotionally and practically.”
When someone dies in the family hogan, for example, a hole is made in the north wall to let the good spirit out, and then the hogan is abandoned.

hogan 圖示

Currently, there are about 200,000 Navajo Indians living in Navajo Valley. Approximately, 5% or 10,000 are true Navajo Indians. They still live in traditional domed, hexagon-shaped hogans. Hogans are built by hand with logs and mud, no nails. The Hogan entrance always faces east toward the rising sun. They live with no running water and electricity. They prepare and spin wool the old fashioned way, using dyes made from native plants. Navajo rugs are treasured by collectors the world over. They also make a lot of costume jewelry.

European  sensitivity meets with Latin passion.

Thus I write this travelogue with the sensitivity to the precious time itself. Life is still worth living and defending, but it cannot promise us that it will stay the same or become better. --蒲慕蓉 11/11/2013所寄出的第5屆畢業50週年同學會日誌

  1. a film, book, or illustrated lecture about the places visited by or experiences of a traveller.
  1. 1. 遊記
Definition of sensitivity

noun (plural sensitivities)

  • the quality or condition of being sensitive:a lack of common decency and sensitivity he has a sensitivity to cow’s milk
  • (sensitivities) a person’s feelings which might be easily offended or hurt; sensibilities:the rules that matter are practical ones that respect local sensitivities
