2023年1月23日 星期一

condensed, predigest, tacky, simplify, start-up

Charlie Javice’s start-up promised to simplify the college financial aid process. After acquiring the company for $175 million, JPMorgan is calling it a “lie.”

Teacher tells student her African-themed dress is 'tacky'
Despite this, she went forward with her plan, working with a local designer.

A universal tale of wayward adolescence is woven into complex context. Taiwan, a liberated Japanese colony with a large native Chinese population, was ruled from 1949 on by newly arrived Chinese nationalists backed by the American military. “A Brighter Summer Day” depicts but does not directly explicate the political situation. “Rather than working its way through a neatly predigested story line, it plunges the audience into a vast social fresco,” the British critic Tony Rayns, one of the movie’s first Western admirers, wrote in 1993.
这是一个讲述叛逆的青春期的普遍故事,被放在错综复杂的背景之中。台湾是被解放的日本殖民地,有不少原住中国居民,1949年后,新来的中国国民党在美军支持下统治了台湾。《牯岭街少年杀人事件》描绘了当时的政治环境,但又并不给出直接的解读。1993年,该片在西方最早的仰慕者之一,英国评论家托尼·雷恩(Tony Rayns)写道:“影片没有按照一条清晰简化的故事线发展,而是带领观众跳入一幅巨大的社会风情图卷之中。”

Reader's Digest: DeWitt and Lila Wallace published their first issue of condensed articles; the pocket-sized volume cost 25 cents (1922)


Pronunciation: /ˌpriːdɪˈdʒɛst/ 
 /ˌpriːdʌɪˈdʒɛst/ VERB
1(Of an animal) treat (food) by a process similar to digestion in order to make it moredigestible when subsequently eaten.
1.1Simplify (information) so as to make it easier to understand or absorb.



Pronunciation: /ˌpriːdɪˈdʒɛstʃ(ə)n/  /ˌpriːdʌɪˈdʒɛstʃ(ə)n/ 

condense Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to reduce something, such as a speech or piece of writing, in length:
I condensed ten pages of comments into/to two.

2 to make a liquid thicker by removing some of the water

condensed Show phonetics
condensed soup

tacky 2 

Pronunciation: /ˈtaki/ 

ADJECTIVE (tackiertackiest)

Showing poor taste and quality:even in her faintly tacky costumes, she won our hearts.


--> ━━ v. 凝縮する; (気体を)液化する; (話などを)短縮する, 簡潔にする.
con・den・sa・ble ━━ a. 凝縮[圧縮]できる; 要約[短縮]できる.
con・den・sa・tion ━━ n.
condensation polymerization 【化】縮合重合.
condensation reaction 【化】縮合(反応).
condensation trail =vapor trail.
condensed-matter phsics 【物】凝縮系物理学.
condensed milk 練乳.
con・dens・er ━━ n. 凝結[縮]器; 集光レンズ; 蓄電器; 【電気】コンデン
