2023年1月15日 星期日

fissile, heavy-duty, scientists turned to neutron tomography for answers.

Regardless of the freeze, the NIE warns that Iran continues to enrich uranium at a rate that could allow it to obtain enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb sometime between 2010 and 2015. Iran continued through this year to install new centrifuge equipment but faced significant technical problems operating it, the report says.

H-P Printers Press Into Heavy-Duty Markets
H-P is trying to move beyond home and office printers and into devices that print commercial products -- from books and newsletters to wine labels and large advertisements.

Unable to open this heavily corroded, likely 12th-century pendant—but curious about what's inside—scientists turned to neutron tomography for answers.

Neutron imaging revealed the secrets of this gold-plated medieval pendant

 neutron tomography

Neutron tomography is a form of computed tomography involving the production of three-dimensional images by the detection of the absorbance of neutrons produced by a neutron source.[1] It creates a three-dimensional image of an object by combining multiple planar images with a known separation.[2] It has a resolution of down to 25 μm.[3][4] Whilst its resolution is lower than that of X-ray tomography, it can be useful for specimens containing low contrast between the matrix and object of interest; for instance, fossils with a high carbon content, such as plants or vertebrate remains.[5]

Neutron tomography can have the unfortunate side-effect of leaving imaged samples radioactive if they contain appreciable levels of certain elements such as cobalt,[5] however in practice this neutron activation is low and short-lived such that the method is considered non-destructive.

中性子断層撮影法(ちゅうせいしだんそうさつえいほう NCT)は、非破壊検査の一種で、中性子線を検査対象に照射して内部を透過させて3次元構造を生成する撮影法[1]


由於無法打開這個腐蝕嚴重、可能是 12 世紀的吊墜——但對裡面的東西感到好奇——科學家們求助於中子斷層掃描術來尋找答案。


中子斷層掃描是計算機斷層掃描的一種形式,涉及通過檢測中子源產生的中子的吸光度來生成三維圖像。 [1] 它通過組合具有已知間隔的多個平面圖像來創建對象的三維圖像。 [2] 它的分辨率低至 25 μm。 [3][4] 雖然它的分辨率低於 X 射線斷層掃描,但它對於基質和目標對象之間的對比度較低的標本很有用; 例如,含碳量高的化石,如植物或脊椎動物遺骸。 [5]

如果中子斷層掃描含有一定水平的某些元素(例如鈷),中子斷層掃描可能會產生令人遺憾的副作用,使成像樣品具有放射性,[5] 然而在實踐中,這種中子激活很低且持續時間很短,因此該方法被認為是非破壞性的 .

heavy-duty Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
describes clothing, machinery or equipment that is stronger than usual so that it can be used a lot, especially in difficult conditions:
heavy-duty tools/shoes


(fĭs'əl, -īl') pronunciation
  1. Possible to split.
  2. Physics. Fissionable, especially by neutrons of all energies.
  3. Geology. Easily split along close parallel planes.
[Latin fissilis, from fissus, split. See fissi–.]
