2023年1月14日 星期六

magniloquence, succor, grandiloquent, deign to do sth

 In part that is because it is so representative: grandiloquent and absurd at the same time; the words of a diva, uttered at a time when divas were going out of style. But also because it is a reminder of just how much succor can be found in the gorgeously conceived dress, object, apartment, sentence.

  1. assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.
    "the wounded had little chance of succour"

  1. pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress.
    "a grandiloquent celebration of Spanish glory"

magniloquent Pronunciation

(adjective) Lofty and extravagant in speech.
Synonyms:grandiloquent, tall
Usage:"Enter, Sons of the Stars," he said, in a magniloquent voice, "and deign to rest awhile in our humble habitations."
magniloquent adj. Lofty and extravagant in speech; grandiloquent.

[Back formation from magniloquence, grandiloquence, from Latin magniloquentia : magnus, great + loquēns, loquent-, present participle of loquī, to speak.]

magniloquence mag·nil'o·quence n. magniloquently mag·nil'o·quent·ly adv. ━━ a. 大げさな表現を使う; 大言壮語する; 誇張した. mag・nil・o・quence ━━ n. mag・nil・o・quent・ly ━━ ad. deign verb DISAPPROVING 屈尊 deign to do sth to do something unwillingly and in a way that shows that you think you are too important to do it: If she deigns to reply to my letter, I'll be extremely surprised.
  • [déin]
[動](自)[II to do]〈目上の人が〉もったいなくも[かたじけなくも](…)してくださる(▼皮肉の意味を含むことがある);((主に否定文))身を落として[恥を忍んで, 誇りを捨てて](…)する
I will [would] not deign to reply to such a question. そんな質問に返事などしてやるものか.
━━(他)((主に否定文))((文))…を賜わる, くださる
He did not deign a reply. あの方はご返事をくださらなかった.
