It was clear to her that any success in land reform was an illusion when she met emaciated villagers with tales of family members who had died of starvation. Yet instead of reporting the true numbers of depleted crops, she and other villagers created a Potemkin wheat field for senior Party members in order to keep up the mirage of a bumper harvest.
The Australian
Taiwan has been increasingly drawn into China's orbit as it becomes more dependent on the mainland for its economic growth. This warm embrace, described by one Taipei-based Western official as an "anaconda twist", has been encouraged by the ...
The BBC is to commemorate its former employee George Orwell four years after having initially rejected the plan, reputedly because he was too leftwing
Syllabification: (pal·an·quin)
Pronunciation: /ˌpalənˈkēn/
(also palankeen)
Definition of palanquin
noun [名](インドや中国で用いた)輿(こし).
late 16th century: from Portuguese palanquim, from Oriya pālaṅki, based on Sanskrit palyanka 'bed, couch'anaconda
- 音節
- an • a • con • da
- 発音
- æ`nəkɑ'ndə | -kɔ'n-
- anacondaの変化形
- anacondas (複数形)
獨 立經濟學家、強烈質疑華西村發展模式的溫克堅表示:“華西村模式實際上是中國模式。”溫克堅認為華西村只不過是另一個波將金村(Potemkian Village),是中國統治者為了展示其最新政策而樹立的樣板村莊。(波將金村是俄國女皇葉卡捷琳娜二世的寵臣波將金於1787年修建的村莊,專為女皇 視察他的領地時使用,以顯示領地的“繁榮”——譯者註)
吳仁寶要求他的同志們每天學習中共機關報《人民日報》(People’s Daily),並按照中共的優先事項制定當地所有的經濟和政治計劃。
Syllabification: (Po·tem·kin)
Pronunciation: /pəˈtem(p)kin/
Definition of Potemkin
1930s: from Grigori Aleksandrovich Potyomkin (often transliterated Potemkin), a favorite of Empress Catherine II of Russia, who reputedly gave the order for sham villages to be built for the empress's tour of the Crimea in 1787reputedly
Syllabification: (Po·tem·kin)
Pronunciation: /pəˈtem(p)kin/
Definition of Potemkin
Eisenstein 說拍Battleship Potemkin 的 the massacre on the "Odessa Steps"
(此為電影之虛構) 時. 2000人在台階上亂竄. 第一次拍的時候大家很認真 接下來重拍幾次. 大家沒新鮮感疲了. 這時候 Sergei
Eisenstein應用所謂拿破崙效應---拿擴音器對幾位演員 指名道姓請他們認真點----果然......