2008年10月2日 星期四

hoot, to (RECEIVING) , rational, irrational

The majority of Americans, however, embrace some form of blind faith. But because that faith by its very nature requires a leap into irrationality, it is almost impossible to explain or to defend in rational terms.

. 掲載ページ - p.87:
"Nevertheless, its efforts at controlling the birthrate completely failed. The foundation's executives attributed this to the irrationality of the Indians. "Couldn't they understand that failure to reduce ... "

Family Harford has just put in an offer for the house next door, to hoots of scorn from my colleagues, who know me as a bear among bears. It is true that the London housing market seems (who knows?) to be in the final stages of its biggest-ever bubble. But there are special circumstances involved here, one of which is that no rational economic actor disobeys an order from his wife.


hc 我家剛剛打算出價買鄰近的房產,便遭到同事一番嘲諷,笑我這“熊市論中最悲觀的”竟然出手啦。確實,看來倫敦房地產市場正處於有史以來最大泡沫的尾聲(誰曉得已達谷底?)。不過,我家還有些特殊情況,其一便是:沒有哪位理性的經濟人會不聽從老婆的命令。

to (RECEIVING) Show phonetics
1 used for showing who receives something or who experiences an action:
I lent my bike to my brother.
I told that to Glyn and he was horrified.
Who's the letter addressed to?

2 With many verbs that have two objects, 'to' can be used before the indirect object:
Give me that gun./Give that gun to me.

    1. The characteristic cry of an owl.
    2. A sound suggesting the cry of an owl, especially the sound of a horn.
  1. A cry of scorn or derision.
  2. Informal. One that is hilariously funny: “Emmett, that skirt is a hoot!” (Bobbie Ann Mason).
rational economic actor 經濟學用語 -- 合"經濟理性"的"人"


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rational Show phonetics
showing clear thought or reason:
He was too upset to be rational.
a rational course of action/argument/explanation

rationally Show phonetics
in a way based on reason rather than emotions:
Rationally, he knows that she won't ever go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.


irrational Show phonetics
not using reason or clear thinking:
It's totally irrational, but I'm frightened of mice.
His parents were worried by his increasingly irrational behaviour.

irrationality Show phonetics
noun [U]

irrationally Show phonetics
People often behave irrationally when they are under stress.
