2024年4月14日 星期日

sprout, bra, bandana, on the outs. Undergarments for the Ultrawealthy.making lingerie for more than a century in Paris and considers its custom items a form of couture.

A blue-and-red floral-print bustier on a pink hanger, which is hanging on a rack with other undergarments.
Cadolle has been making lingerie for more than a century in Paris and considers its custom items a form of couture.Credit...Lucie Cipolla for The New York Times

Undergarments for the Ultrawealthy

Cadolle, a maker of corsets favored by designers like John Galliano and labels like Dior, is known for custom underpinnings that can cost thousands of dollars.


Burning Issues Confront California as Fires Sprout from L.A. to Monterey

在德國與歐洲等國造成最少31死亡,3000多人染病的腸出血性大腸桿菌。當局有突破性發現,首次在豆芽(sprouts )驗出腸出血性大腸桿菌,並確定病菌的源頭是當地一 個有機農場。德國疾控中心早前已經鎖定下薩克森州一個有機農場出產的豆芽苗是今次疫情的源頭。但當局之前在這個農場找到的 ...

On moving day, Mrs. Porretto wore a clean T-shirt and fresh lipstick. Two hours' drive away at the airport, Ms. Jackson was braless under her soiled shirt and had a blue bandana covering her unwashed hair.

At one of our client sites, there was a nearly organic phenomenon of red bandannas on dowels suddenly sprouting from the desks after a few weeks of E-Factor data collection. No one in power had ever suggested that device as an official Do Not Disturb signal; it just happened by consensus. But everyone soon learned its significance and respected it.


Pronunciation: /sprəʊt/ 


1(Of a plant) put out shoots:the weeds begin to sprout
1.1[WITH OBJECT] Grow (plant shoots or hair):many black cats sprout a few white hairs
1.2[NO OBJECT] (Of a plant, flower, or hair) start to grow; spring up:crocuses sprouted up from the grass
1.3[NO OBJECT] Appear or develop suddenly and in large numbers:plush new hotels are sprouting up everywhere


1A shoot of a plant:the flower pots are full of green sprouts
1.1(sprouts) Young shoots, especially of alfalfa, mung beans, or soybeans, eaten as a vegetable.


Middle English: of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch spruiten and German spriessen.

The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: an undergarment worn by women to support their breasts
Synonyms: brassierebandeau


The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief
Synonym: bandanna

圖 http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=BANDANA&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2

on the outs
No longer on friendly terms, as in They've been on the outs with their in-laws for years. This idiom appeared in the early 1900s and derives from the synonymous at outs, first recorded in 1824.
