2024年1月1日 星期一

necrology, electrocution, dynamo, obituary, obituarist,

As several airlines prepare to phase out printed boarding passes in 2024, our obituarist laments the decline of paper tickets of all kinds: https://econ.st/4aD2CfV

Necrology buffs should note the bizarre, grisly deaths by blast-furnace in the very cruel "The Cone" (1895), and by electrocution in "The Lord of the Dynamos" (1894) -- featuring a one-man cult of dynamo worship which culminates in "a Martyrdom and a Human Sacrifice."

A dynamo (from the Greek word dynamis; meaning power), originally another name for an electrical generator, generally means a generator that produces direct current with the use of a commutator.

necrology (nuh-KROL-uh-jee, neh-)

1. A list of those who have died during a specific period.
2. An obituary.

From Greek necro- (dead) + -logy (account). Earliest documented use: 1728.

"The fare structure is one reason Independence Air has joined a necrology of low-cost carriers that stretches over four decades." — Marc Fisher; We Loved That Airline To Death; Washington Post; Jan 5, 2006.
