2012年9月14日 星期五

conjunction,concurrence, innumerable

Working paper: IP Modularity: Profiting from Innovation by Aligning Product Architecture with Intellectual Property
Download the PDF. Joachim Henkel, Carliss Y. Baldwin, and Willy C. Shih argue that in order to optimize value capture from a new product or process, an innovator must manage the artifact's intellectual property (IP) and its modular structure in conjunction.

Monster Worldwide said the action to dismiss Mr. Olesnyckyj was taken with the concurrence of the special committee of independent directors reviewing stock-option practices.

Speaking at a business conference in Paris, Concurrence 2006, Ms. Kroes said she would like to open the inquiry once two big continuing investigations -- into the energy and banking industries -- are complete, which she expects by the end of this year.

[名]1 [U][C]結合[連結]すること;共同, 連帯, 連係 in conjunction with the administration政府と共同して.2 (事件・状況などの)関連, 結び...


(noun) The temporal property of two things happening at the same time.

Synonyms: conjunction, co-occurrence, coincidence


In order that the will of Napoleon and Alexander (on whom the event seemed to depend) should be carried out, the concurrence of innumerable circumstances was needed.
