2008年9月24日 星期三

shoot to kill,overshoot, maim

Living Planet | 25.09.2008 | 04:30

Increasing Ecological Debt on Earth Overshoot Day

September 23 marked the day when people have used all the resources nature will generate this year, according to Global Footprint Network.

Earth Overshoot Day marks the day when humanity begins living beyond its ecological means. Beyond that day, we move into the ecological equivalent of deficit spending, utilizing resources at a rate faster than the planet can regenerate in a calendar year. Mathis Wackernagel from the Global Footprint Network speaks to Living Planet about the ways to change the bottom line.

Interview: Cheryl Northey

Drug Label, Maimed Patient and Test for Justices

At issue is whether plaintiffs have the right to sue when the products that hurt them had met federal standards.

"Globalization has gone a little bit too far. It has overshot," Jen said. "We're not saying Asia is going to crumble, but we are saying Asia enjoyed extraordinary conditions in the past. Now the conditions are changing very quickly because of the energy shock, and Asia is coming under pressure."


overshoot Show phonetics
verb [T] overshot, overshot
to go beyond the end of or past something, without intending to:
The plane overshot the runway and finished up in the water.

"談點 shoot to kill"
是我們以前的討論題目 (2005-07-27 14:29:30)

East German Shoot-to-Kill Order Is Found
It is the first written proof that border guards were told to shoot to kill at anyone trying to escape to West Germany.

德國之聲 Document Shows East German Guards Had Shoot-to-Kill Orders

就將以前的東西COPY 過來 取名為 "再談點 shoot to kill"

maim Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to injure a person so severely that a part of their body will no longer work as it should:
Many children have been maimed for life by these bombs.

U.K. police released the names of two men suspected of being involved in last week’s failed bombings. Prime Minister Blair apologized for the shooting death of a Brazilian man, but said a police shoot-to-kill policy would remain in place.

問道:「shoot-to-kill 如何翻譯?一槍擊斃?」
雪山怒吼大追緝Shoot to Kill (1988)


For example, in the opening sequence of the film Shoot to kill the audience sees a pajama-clad man frantically using keys to open the thick glass door of a ...
his must-see, action-filled thriller. When a cunning murderer vanishes into the rugged mountains of the Pacific Northwest, pursuing FBI agent Warren Stantin (Poitier) must exchange familiar city streets for unknown wilderness trails. Completely out of his element, Stantin is forced to enlist the aid of expert tracker Jonathan Knox (PLATOON\'S Tom Berenger). It\'s a turbulent yet vital relationship they must maintain in order to survive ... and one that becomes increasingly desperate when Knox\'s girlfriend Sarah (Kirstie Alley) becomes the killer\'s latest hostage.
Poitier plays an FBI agent who blew an arrest and wound up with a dead civilian, and has tracked the (unseen) thief/killer into the Pacific Northwest. Berenger plays a tracker, whose girlfriend runs a trail guide business. The girlfriend (Kirstie Alley in an outdoor role!) has taken her latest group of travelers out into the woods, and Poitier believes that the killer is among them. If that\'s not bad enough, a deadly storm looks like it\'s coming on. 】
小譯者 留言:
shoot-to-kill 意在「一槍斃命」。
老朋友 留言:

至於所謂的一槍送進總統府,那用德語說是 Ausgeburt des Ressentiments,沒有人會相信馬英九可以用一槍送進總統府的。
小讀者 留言:

咦來了位小譯者同志? 歡迎歡迎!


順便查了一下格殺勿論, 哇!這勿論二字原來小讀者一向都亂解::「當場擊殺而不以殺人論罪 (教育部國語辭典)」

原來是不以殺人罪論, 小讀者還以為少說廢話不必問情由當場殺了就是...
hc 留言:

剛剛準備好明天的專文:談shoot to kill。
(譬如說Bush總統訪英國,美國要求採用他們規格的安全措施和配備,這遠比英國嚴密太多,所以報紙標題:美國要求 ”shoot to kill”)……

半小時前T. Blair記者會談到它:這是一種特殊情況下,授權執法人員可以用常識來處置、決策…….(當)
我原本認為小讀者 應多想些其他諸如\"以結婚為目的的交”之用法,飆其英文…
【補貼:小讀者已查出shoot-to-x 之網路資料:如shoot-to-stop/immobilize/wound/hurt/defend】
其實我看到 shoot-to-kill 時,本來想說:\"乾脆給他死!\" 呢!
不過這裡的格調比較文雅,所以才用了 \"格殺勿論\"。
對待布希的安全規格,那當然是要 \"閒雜人等勿近,違者不問原由,格殺勿論\"

\"以結婚為目的的交往\" 稱之曰 \"必婚交往\" 或委婉一點說 \"先友後婚\" 或粗俗些 \"先有後婚\" 都可以。

\"以斃命為目的的槍擊\" 稱之曰 \"必殺擊\" 或古典一點說 \"格殺勿論\" 或乾脆些 \"給他死\" 應該也可以。

布希訪英要求英國下 \"必殺令\",這其實是很平常的事,否則奧地利皇太子在薩拉耶佛遇刺怎會惹出第一次世界大戰呢?
小讀者 留言:

既然凡是可以in order to替代的to, 都是以...為目的而進行的...那麼...

love to eat==>love eating 愛吃
love to eat==>love in order to eat
為吃而愛, 愛是為了吃, 以麵包為目的的愛情!
The troops were told to shoot to kill.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner\'s Dictionary)

我們談的「shoot-to-kill policy」已將 SHOOT TO KILL轉為形容之專名,多用在震暴等等場合的軍隊警察之開槍指示。

可以如小讀者說的,shoot-to-stop/immobilize(警告之);自衛之defend【如 Settlers were only legally allowed to shoot in self-defense, and almost always forbidden to shoot to kill. Sometimes the settlers were told to shoot ...】….

軍隊警察等接受到之命令可以是開槍,但不擊要害,這稱為SHOOT TO wound/hurt ,如
Non-Lethal Weapons Shoot to Hurt 等等。

NSTRA - National Shoot to Retrieve Association
Nonprofit Organization conducts sanctioned field trials for pointing bird dogs
gun dog noun [C] (US ALSO bird dog)
a dog used by hunters to find and gather birds they have shot

碰到可能極危險或對方極兇惡之任務,就射殺之:Shoot To Kill Or Die.

◎…shared the view that since soldiers were trained to shoot to kill, they should not be asked to fire either over the heads of a civilian crowd or to ...

◎…of the Philippines national police force had given orders so ‘shoot to kill\' if necessary. ...

◎…Rather than be taken he would shoot to kill and from the day of his release he carried a revolver. One night after retiring he fell into a deep sleep,
…where orders have been given to troops to shoot to kill anyone (any soldier determines on the spot in the moment by himself with no other judge,

◎…of 625 men in 105 cars and 3 trucks struck Greenville, where they confronted morethan 400 National Guardsmen who had been ordered to “shoot to kill. ...
舊金山犯罪格殺令:. Mayor Eugene Schmitz\' famous-Shoot-to Kill order - April 18, 1906 ...

1960s 芝加哥黑人大暴動…if it ec\'er happened again, to “shoot to kill arsonists, amid shoot to maim looters.”

- ... The guardsmen moved into Chicago with explicit orders to “shoot to kill” if disturbances erupted and they were unable to pre vent looting, arson or violence in any other way(A Nation Divided: The 1968 Presidential Campaign by Darcy G Richardson - 2002 - 532 pages/ Page 131)
