2024年5月1日 星期三

aeration. The Cross Campus lawn is a lot quieter today than it was during the protest encampment earlier this week. A grounds maintenance crew was out this morning aerating the lawn in preparation for commencement.

  1. The Cross Campus lawn is a lot quieter today than it was during the protest encampment earlier this week. A grounds maintenance crew was out this morning aerating the lawn in preparation for commencement. 香港: ROLLING LAWN AERATOR ~ ROLL YOUR WAY TO A GREENER LAWN ...

A handout labeled “Espresso Excellence” informed them that “without aeration, the milk screams and lacks sweetness.” And: “The perfect milk requires surfing the tip of the steam wand until the sound is SSHHHH.”


━━ vt. 空気に当てる[を入れる]; 炭酸ガス(など)を入れる; 酸素を供給する.
aerated bread 無酵母パン.
aerated water 〔英〕 炭酸水.
aer・a・tion ━━ n. 通気; 炭酸ガスを入れること.
aer・a・tor ━━ n. 通風装置(など).
