2016年1月5日 星期二

sublunary, secular, earthbound, earthly, embedded in the profane

"Birds are a natural symbol in ballet, because they fly, and flying is the age-old dream of man. Ballet is the perfect place for man to dream of flying, man being an earthbound creature in whom there has always been a deep desire for the freedom of flight, the defiance of gravity. And so the soaring Swan [from Tchaikovsky's 'Swan Lake'] and the flying Firebird [from Stravinsky's 'Firebird Suite'] are symbolically the very heart of ballet."

--Leonard Bernstein, "Two Ballet Birds"Introducing America's First Atheist Monument
It's 1,500-pound granite bench, which will be engraved with secularist quotes from figures like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin

Church Portraits Speak to the Earthly World
Jusepe de Ribera’s portraits are spiritual expressions embedded in the profane.

Egypt Clashes Turn Spotlight on Radicals
Christians blamed deadly sectarian clashes at two churches near Cairo on Egypt's ultraconservative Salafis, a radical Islamist ideology whose growing influence is worrying both secularists and the country's Christian minority.

An Edo cleverness...winning earthliness that tires before it offend.
the sublunar or the sublunary 人間世

11 In Aged Ignorance profound,
Holy and cold, I clipp'd the wings
Of all sublunary things,

A Veil Closes France’s Door to Citizenship
The case of a woman with a facial veil has sharpened France’s focus on balancing secularism and freedom of religion.

━━ a. 世俗の, 現世の, 非宗教的な; (聖職者が)修道誓約しない; 1世紀[一生に]1度の; 100年ごとの[続く], 不朽の (the ~ bird 不死鳥)凤凰.the secular bird 不死之鸟(凤凰) 阿拉伯传说中的凤凰

He likes facing austere test by himself. Whenever there is a danger, he always rushed into the forefront and is known as the secular bird.

secular fame 不朽的名声;

━━ n. 俗僧; 俗人.
 secular bull market 【株】大相場 ((長期にわたって株価の上昇が続く強気相場)).
 secular humanism 世俗的人間主義 ((宗教(特にキリスト教)を重視しないヒューマニズムをキリスト教右派が批判的にこう呼ぶ)).
 sec・u・lar・ism ━━ n. 世俗主義; 教育宗教分離論.
 sec・u・lar・ist ━━ n. 教育宗教分離主義者; 世俗主義者.
sec・u・lar・is・tic a.
 sec・u・lar・i・ty ━━ n. 世俗性; 俗事.
 sec・u・lar・ize ━━ vt. 俗化する; 俗用に向ける; を宗教から分離させる.
sec・u・lar・i・za・tion n.
 ━━ ad.
 secular trend 【経済】長期トレンド, 長期的傾向.

secular changes, trends — changes that occur over long periods, as long as decades.

  1. Worldly rather than spiritual.
  2. Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body: secular music.
  3. Relating to or advocating secularism.
  4. Not bound by monastic restrictions, especially not belonging to a religious order. Used of the clergy.
  5. Occurring or observed once in an age or century.
  6. Lasting from century to century.
  1. A member of the secular clergy.
  2. A layperson.
[Middle English, from Old French seculer, from Late Latin saeculāris, from Latin, of an age, from saeculum, generation, age.]

(sŭb-lū'nə-rē, sŭb'lū-nĕr'ē) pronunciation also sub·lu·nar (-lū'nər)
  1. Situated beneath the moon.
  2. Of this world; earthly.
[Late Latin sublūnāris : Latin sub-, sub- + Latin lūna, moon.]

[sʌ'blunèri | sʌblúːnəri] [形]月面下の, 月下の;地(球)上の. (またsùb・lúnar)


[形](-li・er, -li・est)((限定))
1 地球の;((文))(天国・天上に対して)地上の, この世の, 現世の, 浮世[俗界]の
earthly affairs

earthly cares

an earthly paradise
earthly pleasures
2 ((略式))((疑問・否定の強意語))一体全体, この世にありうる, ちっとも, 全然
That plan is of no earthly use to us.
not have an earthly


  • 発音記号[sékjulərìzm]
  1. Religious skepticism or indifference.
  2. The view that religious considerations should be excluded from civil affairs or public education.
