2016年1月17日 星期日

proper tart, jiggered! begod, liturgy


「天國的寶藏─教廷文物特展」將於民國105年2月5日到5月2日在國立故宮博物院105、107陳列室隆重登場,共借出教廷聖器收藏室珍藏的60組件文物,其中包括極為神聖稀珍的〈依地沙耶穌聖容像〉(Mandyllion of Edessa, 3-5世紀),製作極其精美,且於華麗中展現神聖典雅的風貌。展覽計分神聖禮儀(Sacred Liturgy)、禮儀年(Liturgical Year)、祭台(The Altar)、教宗與歷史(The Pope and History)和聖事(Sacraments)等五個單元,援以闡述天主教禮儀與教宗的密切關係,以及天主教發展的歷史脈絡。此外,亦會結合部分院藏天主教在華發展之歷史文獻,使更豐富展覽的面向。」

Dawes interrupted the young man's flow of eloquence by asking, in a loud sneer:
"Did you learn all that at th' theatre th' other night?"
Paul looked at him; their eyes met. Then he knew Dawes had seen him coming out of the theatre with Clara.
"Why, what about th' theatre?" asked one of Paul's associates, glad to get a dig at the young fellow, and sniffing something tasty.
"Oh, him in a bob-tailed evening suit, on the lardy-da!" sneered Dawes, jerking his head contemptuously at Paul.
"That's comin' it strong," said the mutual friend. "Tart an' all?"
"Tart, begod!" said Dawes.
"Go on; let's have it!" cried the mutual friend.
"You've got it," said Dawes, "an' I reckon Morelly had it an' all."
"Well, I'll be jiggered!" said the mutual friend. "An' was it a proper tart?"
"Tart, God blimey—yes!"
"How do you know?"
"Oh," said Dawes, "I reckon he spent th' night—"
There was a good deal of laughter at Paul's expense.
"But who WAS she? D'you know her?" asked the mutual friend.
"I should SHAY SHO," said Dawes.

v. t.[imp. & p. p. Begodded.]
To exalt to the dignity of a god; to deify. [Obs.] «Begodded saints.» South.

1. mod. damned. Well, I'll be jiggered!
2. mod. alcohol intoxicated. Todd was more than just a little jiggered.
tart2 (tärt) pronunciation
    1. A pastry shell with shallow sides, no top crust, and any of various fillings.
    2. Chiefly British. A pie.
    1. A prostitute.
    2. A woman considered to be sexually promiscuous.
tr.v. Chiefly British, tart·ed, tart·ing, tarts.
To dress up or make fancy in a tawdry, garish way. Often used with up.

[Middle English tarte, from Old French, perhaps alteration of tartane, from Late Latin torta, a kind of bread.]
  1. Characterized by appropriateness or suitability; fitting: the proper knife for cutting bread; not a proper moment for a joke.
  2. Called for by rules or conventions; correct: the proper form for a business letter.
  3. Strictly following rules or conventions, especially in social behavior; seemly: a proper lady; a proper gentleman.
    1. Belonging to one; own: restored to his proper shape by the magician.
    2. Characteristically belonging to the being or thing in question; peculiar: an optical effect proper to fluids.
  4. Being within the strictly limited sense, as of a term designating something: the town proper, excluding the suburbs.
  5. Ecclesiastical. For use in the liturgy of a particular feast or season of the year.
  6. Mathematics. Of or relating to a subset of a given set when the set has at least one element not in the subset.
  7. Worthy of the name; true: wanted a proper dinner, not just a snack.
  8. Out-and-out; thorough: a proper whipping.
當然 譯本可討論處還很多 譬如說原作者編的一書Beyond the Body Proper.....Proper 未譯 (可能"身體自身"似乎是矛盾語.....)

(prŏp'ər) pronunciation
  1. Characterized by appropriateness or suitability; fitting: the proper knife for cutting bread; not a proper moment for a joke.
  2. Called for by rules or conventions; correct: the proper form for a business letter.
  3. Strictly following rules or conventions, especially in social behavior; seemly: a proper lady; a proper gentleman.
    1. Belonging to one; own: restored to his proper shape by the magician.
    2. Characteristically belonging to the being or thing in question; peculiar: an optical effect proper to fluids.
  4. Being within the strictly limited sense, as of a term designating something: the town proper, excluding the suburbs.
  5. Ecclesiastical. For use in the liturgy of a particular feast or season of the year.
  6. Mathematics. Of or relating to a subset of a given set when the set has at least one element not in the subset.
  7. Worthy of the name; true: wanted a proper dinner, not just a snack.
  8. Out-and-out; thorough: a proper whipping.
Thoroughly: beat the eggs good and proper.

n. Ecclesiastical also Proper
The parts of the liturgy that vary according to the particular feast or season of the year.

[Middle English propre, from Old French, from Latin proprius.]

1 (▼比較変化なし)((限定))〈人・物が〉(目的・状況に)適した, ふさわしい, 好ましい((for ..., to do))
something proper to sit on
at a proper distance
He is the proper person for the job.
2 (礼儀)正しい;上品な;〈行動・処置などが〉妥当な, (…に)ふさわしい, 当を得た((for, to ...))
proper behavior
It's only (right and) proper that ...
…が正しい, 正当である
It is not proper for you to talk that way. [=It is not proper that you (should) talk that way. ]
3 ((形式))(…に)固有の, 独特の, 特有の(peculiar)((to ...))
the customs proper to Africa
proper motion
4 ((限定))文字どおりの意味の;正規の, 正式の;((ふつう名詞のあとに置いて))厳密な意味での, ほんとうの
the American bases in Japan proper
in the proper sense of the word
He's not a proper doctor.
5 《文法》固有の.
6 《紋章》自然色で描かれた.
7 《教会》特定の日[祭日]の.
8 ((限定))((略式))完全な, まったくの
a proper miser
━━[副]((話))ふさわしく, ちゃんと(properly).
properly prop'er·ly adv.
properness prop'er·ness n.

liturgy 相關詞在索引拼寫錯。 都翻譯為儀式 。台灣的天主教:"禮儀" para-liturgical 翻譯為副儀式 (p.232) ,可考慮"輔禮"。

liturgical art :禮儀藝術:泛指對天主、天使、聖人公開敬禮所用的藝術作品。
liturgical assembly (1) 禮儀集會:舉行彌撒或公誦日課等。 (2) 參加禮儀的會眾。
liturgical books :禮書;禮儀書。
liturgical commission :禮儀委員會。
liturgical movement :禮儀運動:提倡教友積極參與禮儀之運動,始於十九世紀,本篤會功不可沒。
liturgical music :禮儀音樂:禮儀中所使用的歌曲或音樂。
liturgical year :禮儀年(度):共分為五期:將臨期、聖誕期、四旬期、復活期及常年期。禮儀年從將臨期第一主日開始。同 year, ecclesiastical
liturgist :禮儀專家:研究教會禮儀有專長者。
liturgy :禮儀;聖儀;崇(禮)拜儀式;祈禱書:是一種公開崇拜的方式。教會透過(彌撒、日課、聖事等等)禮儀執行聖化的職務;禮儀是行使耶穌基督的司祭職務,因為在禮儀中,人的聖化藉有形的記號而表達,並以本有的方式予以完成(法典 834 )。
