Norman Rockwell
Rockwell uses a Balopticon projector to sketch the first step in translating the photographic image into a finished illustration with charcoal for his First Trip to the Beauty Shop. "The Balopticon is an evil, inartistic, habit-forming, lazy and vicious machine," he said. "I use one often - and though am thoroughly ashamed of it. I hide it whenever I hear people coming."
Rockwell uses a Balopticon projector to sketch the first step in translating the photographic image into a finished illustration with charcoal for his First Trip to the Beauty Shop. "The Balopticon is an evil, inartistic, habit-forming, lazy and vicious machine," he said. "I use one often - and though am thoroughly ashamed of it. I hide it whenever I hear people coming."
Read more:,29307,1943059_2005733,00.html#ixzz0Y6ncdhOP
Acer, the big PC manufacturer, has gone from offering no cellphones to selling eight new models, with more to come this year.
“The smartphone market is the natural direction of our long-term mobile strategy,” Gianfranco Lanci, chief executive of Acer, a Taiwan-based company, said as he announced the products at last month’s World Mobile Conference in Barcelona. “We’re just taking on another dimension.”
Early on in his astonishing new booklet The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint, Edward R. Tuft quotes Louis Gerstner's recent autobiography, focusing on a moment when the then-new IBM(IBM) chief switches off the slide projector of one of his subordinates and says, "Let's just talk about your business." It's a rare moment of business clarity: Gerstner, beginning his remaking of the venerable technology giant, is telling his staff that technology is getting in the way of understanding business. It's a radical thought. The next time you sit in a conference room and view slide after slide of bullet points, it's worth wondering whether you're learning anything other than how the presenters organize their thoughts.
在一本早期小冊子名為「認識PPT的風格」,Edward R. Tuft摘錄了Louis Gerstner最近出版的自傳,強調一個時間點:當年IBM的總裁中止了一名用投影片做簡報的手下,並且說道:「讓我們只談你的工作。」那是少見的、可以釐清工作的剎那。Gerstner,開始了對IBM這個令人敬畏??--的科技巨人的改造工作,他告訴他的同仁「那種技術」會妨礙對工作的瞭解。這的確是個激進的想法。下一次當你坐在會議室中,看著投影筆指著一張又一張的投影片,值得去想想:除了學會如何組織簡報者的想法之外,你是否可以學到任何東西?
On May 17 she will return to Carnegie — this time in Zankel Hall, with “friends,” in the trite formulation of the day — in a program of chamber music by Liszt, Bartok and Messiaen. And that event, like her summer job as co-artistic director of the venerable Marlboro Music Festival in Vermont (since 2000, with Richard Goode), presents her in a different light, as a musician in service to musicians, specifically younger ones.
Those friends are actually protégés of a sort, recipients of money from the Borletti-Buitoni Trust as part of a program largely shaped by Ms. Uchida. The concert ends her second tour with recipients of trust awards.
expressed too frequently to be interesting or seem sincere:
His lyrics about love and peace are too trite for me to take them seriously.
I know it will sound trite, but I've loved being part of this club.
1 FORMAL deserving respect because of age, high position or religious or historical importance:
a venerable tradition/company/family
2 INFORMAL MAINLY HUMOROUS describes something that has been in use, or someone who has been involved in something, for a long time:
In recent years there has been a noticeable decline in such venerable British institutions as afternoon tea and the Sunday roast.
1 the Venerable used as a title for an archdeacon in the Church of England
2 used as a title for a person who is considered holy by the Roman Catholic Church but who has not yet been made a saint
3 used as a title for a monk in Buddhism
to begin to have a particular quality:
Her voice took on a troubled tone.