2016年1月11日 星期一

rigmarole, scroll, dealing a blow to the bookseller in its proxy fight, nominees

Video: "Hong Kong is no longer safe" - pro-democracy figures call for action on the bookseller disappearances ahead of a 香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會(香港支聯會) protest march planned for today at 2pm.

Institutional Shareholder Services, the powerful proxy advisory firm, on Monday backed a slate of directors proposed by the billionaire investor Ron Burkle for Barnes & Noble's board, dealing a blow to the bookseller in its proxy fight.

Barnes & Noble had opened fire on Mr. Burkle's corporate history in recent days as it sought to persuade I.S.S. to support its nominees, including its chairman and largest shareholder, Leonard S. Riggio.

The decision by I.S.S. to back Mr. Burkle's slate, which includes himself, could be crucial. Many large institutional investors are required to vote their shares along the lines of I.S.S.'s recommendations.

rigmarole, scroll
Books Features


There’s a lot in the Roman literary world that seems familiar: money-making booksellers, exploited authors.

Last March I visited the EasyJet website and bought six flights to Menorca for £1,285.80. The promised e-mail confirmation didn't arrive, and on the “My EasyJet” page there was no record of the booking. So I went through the rigmarole of booking the tickets again. This time all went smoothly – until my bank statement arrived and I saw that EasyJet had pocketed the money twice.

scroll (PAPER)
noun [C]
1 a long roll of paper or similar material with usually official writing on it:
The ancient Egyptians stored information on scrolls.

2 a decoration that looks like a roll of paper:
The tops of the marble pillars were decorated with scrolls.

verb [I usually + adverb or preposition]
to move text or other information on a computer screen in order to view a different part of it:
Scroll to the end of the document.


  1. Confused, rambling, or incoherent discourse; nonsense.
  2. A complicated, petty set of procedures.
[Alteration of obsolete ragman roll, catalog, from Middle English ragmane rollescroll used in Ragman, a game of chance : perhaps from Anglo-Norman Ragemon le bon, Ragemon the Good, title of a set of verses about a character of this name + Middle English rolle, list (from Old French, from Latin rotula, wheel; see roll).]


━━ n. 下らない長話; 形式的なこと.
