"Everything for which the media criticises fashion shows – the veneration of skinniness, the reduction of women to their physical appearance, the pointless expenditure, the power of advertising, the racism – is encapsulated by the Victoria's Secret show. And yet no show is covered as extensively and as adoringly as this annual advertisement for an overhyped lingerie brand"
Victoria’s real secret? It makes the Miss World pageant seem a bit upmarket
Hadley Freeman: The lingerie retailer’s ‘fashion show’ had the air of a...
Vatican beatifies slain Polish priest
Thousands of Poles have turned out in Warsaw for the beatification of
murdered Polish priest Father Jerzy Popieluszko. The 37-year-old was killed
in 1984 for his support of the country's anti-communist movement.
The DW-WORLD Article
Criticism grows ahead of Pope John Paul II's beatification
After his 25 years as the leader of the Catholic Church, many of Pope John
Paul II's followers want to see him made a saint. As the deceased pontiff
comes closer to canonization, others are criticising the Vatican.
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
- In front of.
- In advance of; at an earlier time than: arrived ahead of the others.
- In a superior or advanced position to; more successful than: We are well ahead of their research.
Pronunciation: /ˈskɪni /
Definition of skinny in English:
ADJECTIVE ( skinnier, skinniest)
NOUN ( plural skinnies)
informalBack to top
2(skinnies) A pair of skinny jeans or trousers:if you’re tired of squeezing into your skinnies, bell-bottoms and flares are back in fashion
3(the skinny) US Confidential information on aparticular person or topic:net managers who want the skinny on the latest incomputer security
be·at·i·fy (bē-ăt'ə-fī')
tr.v., -fied, -fy·ing, -fies.
- To make blessedly happy.
- Roman Catholic Church. To proclaim (a deceased person) to be one of the blessed and thus worthy of public religious veneration in a particular region or religious congregation.
- To exalt above all others.
[French beatifier, from Late Latin beātificāre : Latin beātus, happy; see beatific + Latin -ficāre, -fy.]
beatification be·at'i·fi·ca'tion (-fĭ-kā'shən) n.
beatification :列入真福(品);列入真福級:教宗准許某一特定地區、國家、教區或修會團體,以真福之名,並以公眾敬禮方式-包括紀念彌撒,來榮耀某位聖德非凡、榮升天國(或為主殉道)的人;旨在讓後人師法其芳蹤,或求其代禱。是列入聖品的前奏(法典 1187 )。參閱 canonization 。
canonization : 列入聖品;列入聖人級;宣佈為聖;宣聖;列品:教宗隆重聲明某些足為教會楷模者已升天國,並應接受教會的尊敬、榮耀和讚譽。申請列品案件首先將候選人之言 行、著作、聲譽、奇跡(殉道者免)等專案交由主教審斷,經調查屬實後,送交聖座,再經專案小組審查,最後由教宗做裁決,宣佈其為「真福」,可供某地區或某 團體敬禮及慶賀。接著可更上一層樓,將此真福者案件送交聖座重新審查,經審查合格(非殉道者需要兩個奇跡)後,經教宗裁決可宣佈此真福為「聖人」,可供全 球教會敬禮及慶祝。 1983 年 2 月 7 日 教宗若望保祿二世頒佈了新的宣聖宗座憲令,聖部法令亦於同日頒佈。參閱 beatification 。