2016年1月7日 星期四

saga, chart, flack, cut to the chase, down-to-earth, the height of sth

“What we are trying to show is, no, you shouldn’t ban this. This is actually beneficial and a key element to why these platforms add value to the system.” -- The Wharton School's Ruben Lobel

Companies like Uber and Lyft have gotten flack recently from the use of…

Yahoo and Microsoft say they are charting independent paths -- but Jack Flack suspects the deal saga isn't over, and he has advice for the chiefs of both companies on how to proceed.

Cut to the chase, Down-to-Earth, the height of sth

快剪到最精彩的鏡頭 不要浪費時間

Goldman Sach has weathered the height of the financial panic, but Jack Flack says its chief executive, Lloyd Blankfein, is courting failure with the messages he is sending.

The highest or most advanced degree; the zenith: at the height of her career.The point of highest intensity; the climax: the height of a storm.

the height of sth
1 the time when a situation or event is strongest or most full of activity:
August is the height of the tourist season.
At the height of the violence/crisis we were left without any help.

2 an extreme example of something:
the height of fashion

3 the time when you are most successful in what you do:

She was at the height of her career when he first met her.


  1. Realistic; sensible.
    1. Not pretentious or affected; straightforward.
    2. Not overly ornate; simple in style.
cut to the chase
Get to the point, get on with it, as in We don't have time to go into that, so let's cut to the chase. This usage alludes to editing (cutting) film so as to get to the exciting chase scene in a motion picture. [Slang; 1920s]


Cut to the chase means to get to the point without wasting time.

The phrase originated from early silent films. Such films, particularly comedies, often climaxed in chase scenes. An inexpert screenwriter or director, unsure how to get to the climax, would just make an abrupt transition, known as a cut.

An earlier version of the phrase (recorded 1880-1940) was Cut to Hecuba. This refers to the practice of shortening matinée performances of Hamlet by cutting the long speeches before the reference to Hecuba in Act II, Scene ii.[1]

One paid to represent the views of an individual, group, or organzation, such as a communications specialist, press secretary, spokesperson, or public relations counsel. Usage note: do not confuse with flak, meaning (in modern usage) opposition, especially when particularly contentious.
The flack for the tobacco company took flak over his statement that cigarettes were not proven to cause cancer.

crap, or abuse; excess pressure on oneself; burdens or weight added by unecessary trials or psychological pressures
My teacher gave me flack for talking in class; Why can't you keep the flack light when I'm trying to study?

chart Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a drawing which shows information in a simple way, often using lines and curves to show amounts:
There is a chart on the classroom wall showing the relative heights of all the children.
The sales chart shows a distinct decline in the past few months.
the TV weather chart
See also the charts.
See picture .

2 a detailed map of an area of water:
a naval chart

chart Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to show something on a chart:
We need some sort of graph on which we can chart our progress.
The map charts the course of the river where it splits into two.

2 to watch something with careful attention or to record something in detail:
A global study has just been started to chart the effects of climate change.
See also chart at the charts.

3 MAINLY US to arrange a plan of action:
The local branch of the party is meeting to chart their election campaign.

saga Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a long story about several past events or people, originally one told in the Middle Ages in Iceland or Norway:
a lengthy and compelling family saga

2 a long complicated series of related usually negative events:
It was just another episode in an ongoing saga of marriage problems.
