It is extremely hard to change people's minds on polarised issues. But a study reported in the magazine "Science" found that one canvassing technique had convinced people to change their minds about gay marriage. There was only one problem: the study was bunk. Yet if it is so hard to convince people to change their minds about gay marriage, why are people changing their minds about gay marriage?tp://
Not persuaded
IT IS almost impossible to change people's opinions on divisive political issues by arguing with them. This is rather depressing for opinion journalists and others...
"The internet’s enthusiasm for a vigorous debunking now frequently spills over into what you might call the pseudo-debunk. Sometimes, this involves cynically claiming you’re debunking when you’re really just disagreeing – thereby implying that your opinion is more than mere opinion; it’s “the facts”. More common is the debunking of claims subtly different from those originally made. You may have learned, in recent months, that you can’t actually become a world-class expert in anything you like, merely by putting in 10,000 hours of practice. But do you realize that nobody really said that in the first place?"
'Detoxing' has been debunked. Maybe it's time to debunk that
Oliver Burkeman: We live in an age when disagreeing with something too...
THEGUARDIAN.COM|由 OLIVER BURKEMAN 上傳religion : (1) 宗教;宗教信仰;宗教生活:指人類與神明之間的交往。宗教乃世人對天主表示尊敬和崇拜的美德,具體來說,宗教是信仰、恭敬天主的團體。自然律要人恭敬天主;天主更透過舊約和新約命人恭敬天主。 (2) 欽敬;修道生活。
- Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
- A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
- The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
- A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
- A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
religion : (1) 宗教;宗教信仰;宗教生活:指人類與神明之間的交往。宗教乃世人對天主表示尊敬和崇拜的美德,具體來說,宗教是信仰、恭敬天主的團體。自然律要人恭敬天主;天主更透過舊約和新約命人恭敬天主。 (2) 欽敬;修道生活。
religion, jewish :猶太宗教:指猶太民族對唯一真神上主(雅威)天主的信仰、禮儀朝拜以及遵守法律的生活態度。由始祖亞巴郎開始,組成了一個敬拜唯一天主的民族,再由梅瑟正式立法。
religion , natural :自然宗教:指以自然為中心的宗教,認為宇宙實體含有靈性的生命和力量,是神臨現的處所,而應以宗教情緒相待。亞洲的自然宗教雖傾向於多神崇拜,但經常也混合著至上神的信仰。又稱原始宗教。
religion, popular :民間宗教:指民間基層的信仰,是一種對生命的目標及其終極意義的直覺性之理解,表達在(優良)習俗、傳統及民間活動中。又稱通俗信仰或常民信仰,其特色是: (1) 沒有教主, (2) 沒有入教儀式, (3) 沒有教團, (4) 教義是儒、釋、道、巫四部份的混合:儒的祖先崇拜、釋的經典、道的儀式、巫的法術融合而成。是道地的民族性傳統宗教。
religion from Abraham :源自亞巴郎的宗教:包括猶太教、回教、天主教、東正教、基督新教等與亞巴郎的信仰多少有些關連的宗教。其他的宗教像印度教、佛教、自然宗教等則與亞巴郎的信仰並無交集,故稱之為非源自亞巴郎的宗教 religion non from Abraham 。
religiosity : (1) 宗教情緒。 (2) 外表虔誠。
religious : (1) 宗教(性)的;虔誠的。 (2) 修道的;修會的;會士;修士;修女。
religious act :宗教行為:指人對自己存在中的超越奧秘的表達,使人對自己的存在作全面、深入的探索,進而把人領到神面前。
Religious, Sacred Congregation of :修會聖部:羅馬教廷部會之一, 1586 年由教宗思道五世( Sixtus V )成立,幾經改組;主管有關修會及度共同生活之教會團體( religious Institutes )之行政、紀律、學術研究、財產、特權等。 1967 年 8 月教宗保祿六世( Paul VI )改名為修會及俗世部( Sacred Congregation of Religious and Secular Institutes )。今改為奉獻生活及使徒團體部 Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life 。
religious congregation :修會;獻身生活團體:男女教友獻身教會,矢發貧窮(神貧)、貞潔、服從三願,度共同獻身生活之團體。此類團體系天主教體制內之社團,各修會之工作和服務的方式或物件雖有所不同,但均有同一之信仰,並非教派;也都與教宗保持共融。
religious house :會院;會館:修會人士共同居住之處所。
religious institute : (1) 教會事業。 (2) 教會獻身生活團體。 (3) 修會團體(機關)。
religious liberty :宗教自由;信仰自由:宗教自由乃天賦人權之一,任何權力,都不能強迫任何人,在宗教信仰上,違反其良心行事。人有權依其本人意願抉擇自己的宗教信仰,因為每人受其天性的驅使,負有道德責任去追求真理,尤其是有關宗教的真理,而人除非享有心理自由,便不能完成此一責任(參閱梵二:信仰自由宣言)。但宗教自由並不表示各宗教皆為真宗教。
religious life : (1) 宗教生活。 (2) 修會生活;獻身生活。
religious name :會名:修士、修女入會時所取之名。參閱 Christian name 。
religious order :修會:由教會批准矢發三願,度共同獻身生活之教會團體。 Order 廣義地說指一切修會,狹義地說僅指古代修會,如本篤會、思定會、方濟會、道明會等。
religious rule :會規;會典:修會或獻身生活團體共同遵守之規則。
religious spirit : (1) 宗教精神。 (2) 修會精神;獻身生活精神。
religious superior :修會會長;修會院長;修會上司。
religious vocation :修會聖召;獻身生活聖召:內心受到天主的召喚去參加修會,而度獻身的生活。
religious vows :聖願;修會聖願;獻身生活聖願:參加修會之人員所矢發的貧窮(神貧)、貞潔、服從三誓願。
get religion Informal.
- To become religious or devout.
- To resolve to end one's immoral behavior.
修道院にはいる, 修道者になる.
湯恩比的說法有沒走樣?religion 即"絆"。
在這些方面給予協助、指導的,就是宗教--* religion的原意。
* religious
canvassing - definition of canvassing by The Free Dictionary can·vassed, can·vass·ing, can·vass·es. 1. To examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; scrutinize: "The evidence had been repeatedly canvassed in ...
陳音頤的論文(中外文學2000/8 pp.158-87) 對D. H. Lawrence的口語 bunk(胡說....) 的翻譯,是不恰當的:
"the Indian bunk is not Indian's invention. It is ours."印地安的謊言和神話不是印地安人發明的.....
"repudiation of our white bunk." 打破了我們白人的神話
bunk2 (bŭngk)
Empty talk; nonsense.
bunk (BED)
bunk bed- (特に子供用の)2段ベッド.
debunk McJob
音節as・si・du・i・ty 発音記号/`æsəd(j)úːəṭi|‐djúː‐/
用例 |
Great and constant diligence and attention. | |
Synonyms: | concentration |
Usage: | Nell immediately applied herself with great assiduity to the decoration and preparation of the room. |