2024年4月18日 星期四

funfair, mission, nominative case.

ambition, “Boys, be ambitious!” Aspiration and Ambition-My Classmate I.M. Pei. , inertia. Clark's words; “Boys, be ambitious. Be ambitious not for money or for selfish aggrandizement, not for that evanescent thing which men call fame. Be ambitious for the attainment of all that a man ...

The bronze statue of Dr. Clark, who is known for his quote, “Boys, be ambitious,” in Sapporo received its 100,00th “vow of ambition,” written by visitors who have a goal they want to reach.


The last sort I shall mention are verbal critics -- mere word-catchers, fellows that pick out a word in a sentence and a sentence in a volume, and tell you it is wrong. 7 These erudite persons constantly find out by anticipation that you are deficient in the smallest things -- that you cannot spell certain words or join the nominative case and the verb together, because to do this is the height of their own ambition, and of course they must set you down lower than their opinion of themselves.




  • A fair consisting of rides, sideshows, and other amusements.
    ‘a travelling funfair set up every year’
    as modifier ‘a funfair ride’

  1. 1C〔単複両扱い〕(外国への)使節団,代表団;((米))在外大使[公使]館
  2. 2C(派遣された人の)任務,使命([連語] (1) +mission:〔種類〕diplomatic/military/tactical;〔目的〕peacekeeping/rescue/spying/bombing/fact-finding.(2) +mission:〔実行〕conduct/undertake/execute/perform;〔完了〕accomplish/complete/fulfil/achieve;〔中止〕abort;〔開始〕begin/go on/embark on
  3. 2aC(組織の)最重要目的[目標],理念
  4. 2bC(個人が自らに課した)使命,天職
    • one's mission in life
    • 人生の使命
  5. 2cCU《軍事》重大任務,特務飛行;《宇宙》飛行(任務)
  6. 3C伝道[布教]団;CU伝道事業,布教活動
    • home missions
    • 国内伝道活動
  7. 3aC在外布教施設,国外伝道本部;(一般に)布教所;(教会などの)社会救済施設[センター](◇低所得者などに食事を提供する)
  1. 1〔限定〕伝道(団)の
    • mission work
    • 伝道,布教
  2. 2〔通例M-〕〈家具が〉ミッション様式の
  1. 1…を派遣する
  2. 2〈ある地域・人に〉伝道[布教]を行う

1 《文法》主格の;主語の.
2 指名[推薦, 任命]された.
3 〈証券などが〉記名の.
