'Leiter remains an enigma, a remarkably self-effacing artist who walked to his own beat and went out in search of what Morin calls 'the incisive moment'; every day, for nigh on 60 years'
The Guardian on 'Saul Leiter: The Centennial Retrospective':
acid - laced classic.
Camouflaged oral probiotics were shown to promote gut immune health in mice, and could point the way toward preventive and therapeutic treatments in humans for a variety of diseases where the gut’s microbial ecosystem is disrupted.
Read more in Science Advances: https://fcld.ly/dfqmplv
Scientists haven’t been able to examine the long-term impacts of acidification in the open ocean—until now.
Plankton shells today are dramatically thinner than they were during HMS Challenger voyage
Plankton shells have become dangerously thin. Acidifying oceans are to blame
This Leonard Cohen show was going badly until he dropped acid
The camera's were rolling!
This Leonard Cohen show was going badly until he dropped acid
Leonard Cohen had a small meltdown onstage at the end of his 1972...
more than 500000 Google Reader users flock to Feedly in two days
The Verge
Google's controversial decision to shut down Google Reader on July 1st has left its users searching for a new news-collecting homeland, and we now have an idea of the scale of
the RSS diaspora. Feedly has announced that more than half a million Google ...
Strada said most patients are young, malnourished and suffering from rheumatic heart disease. The condition of chronic damage to heart valves can occur after an acute episode of rheumatic fever, an inflammatory disease that may develop from strep throat.
Statehood bid an acid test for UN, say German Palestinians
This week the United Nations is facing one of the most intransigent conflicts in the world, as the Palestinian Authority makes a bid for full membership. But what's the view of the Palestinian diaspora in Germany?
Probiotics are live micro-organisms that work by restoring the balance of intestinal bacteria and raising resistance to harmful germs. Taken in sufficient amounts, they can promote digestive health and help shorten the duration of colds. But while there are thousands of different probiotics, only a handful have been proved effective in clinical trials. Which strain of bacteria a given product includes is often difficult to figure out.
There is no standard labeling requirement to help buyers make sense of probiotic products. The word “probiotic” on the label is not enough information to tell whether a given product will be effective for a particular health concern. Just as a doctor would prescribe different antibiotics for strep throat or tuberculosis, different probiotic species and strains confer different health benefits.
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Definition of acid
(Entry 1 of 2)
1: a sour substancespecifically : any of various typically water-soluble and sour compounds that in solution are capable of reacting with a base (see BASE entry 1 sense 6a) to form a salt, redden litmus, and have a pH less than 7, that are hydrogen-containing molecules or ions able to give up a proton to a base, or that are substances able to accept an unshared pair of electrons from a base
2: something incisive, biting, or sarcastica social satire dripping with acid
3: LSD
acid test,
A decisive or critical test, as of worth or quality.
[From the testing of gold in nitric acid.]
Acid test
A sure test, giving an incontestable result.
In the California Gold Rush in the second half of the 19th
century, prospectors and dealers needed to be able to distinguish gold from base
metal. The original acid test relied on nitric acid's ability to dissolve other
metals more readily than gold. To confirm that a find was gold it was given 'the
acid test'. A test sample was used to mark a touchstone and the degree to which
it dissolved when the acid was added determined whether it was gold. Various
other later tests also used acid and these are all called 'acid
The earliest citation I have found of a figurative use of
the phrase (that is, one where no actual test is performed) is from the
Wisconsin paper The Columbia
Reporter, November 1845:
"Twenty-four years of service demonstrates his ability to stand the acid test, as Gibson’s Soap Polish has done for over thirty years."
A punning
variant of the term arose in the 1960s hippy community. Ken Kesey and his Merry
Pranksters began holding 'Acid Test' parties in San Francisco in 1965. The
attendees were serenaded by The Grateful Dead and given drinks of Kool-Aid
spiked with lysergic acid diethylamide. 'Acid' was of course the colloquial name
of LSD. It's not clear exactly what was being tested; survival possibly. The
'test' parties were referred to in Jefferson Airplane's 1965 A Song for All
Since the acid test...
They say your drummer he's crazy as a loon
Last night they found him baying at the moon
For those who have never experienced the joys of Kool-Aid,
with or without the mystery ingredient, it's a soft drink. Its original name was
'Fruit Smack'; perhaps that's what Kesey had in mind?
什麼是Probiotic 與 Prebiotic?
隨 著坊間優酪乳廠商的廣告,而讓我們知道了優酪乳的好處, 原來我們身體內,同時存在了所謂的好菌和壞菌,而好菌與壞菌的菌相平衡,更直接關係到我們腸胃與身體的健康。 優酪乳並非現在才有的高科技產品產物, 早期台灣所流行的『養樂多』,就是這類含乳酸菌的調味優酪乳飲料。而傳統上,老祖母常給胃腸不好的嬰兒或小孫子吃的健胃整腸良藥『表飛鳴』,也是屬於同樣 概念的腸胃好菌錠劑。其實,人類利用這些好菌, 來增進腸道健康,已經有數千年的歷史。 現在的優酪乳,只不過是工業化生產含乳酸菌的商業產品。
市 售優酪乳,大多以乳酸菌(Lactobacillus bulgaricus)與嗜熱鏈球菌(Streptococcus thermophilus),為基礎菌種的乳酸菌發酵產品;至於,AB優酪乳,則除了前述兩者外,再加上Lactobacillus acidophilus (嗜酸乳桿菌,即所謂的“A菌”,)及Bifido bacterium(雙叉桿菌或比菲德氏菌,則稱為“B菌”;常見菌種則如Bifido lactis雷特斯菌或Bifido longum龍根菌…等)。而『表飛鳴』主要的成分,就是Bifidobacterium bifidum粉末與濃縮的Streptococcus faecalis混合而成;至於,ABC優酪乳,則除了前述四支菌種外,又另外添加了學名為Lactobacillus casei的乳酸菌。
這 些乳酸菌、雙叉桿菌以及鏈球菌等,有益於腸道健康的微生物“好菌”,能夠阻礙致病菌(“壞菌”)在腸道的孳生, 並能增進腸道內的消化與特殊營養素的吸收與代謝,就是所謂 Probiotic (益生菌)。而 Prebiotic (益菌生), 則是指這些腸道益生菌所需要的某些「特殊營養素」, 它可以幫助益生菌的生長, 主要是一些不易為人體消化的碳水化合物(Carbohydrates),如膳食纖維(Dietary Fiber)、與寡糖(Oligosaccharides),以及少數非含碳(Non-Carbohydrates)的特殊維生素、礦物質等物質。
而 『益菌生』(Prebiotics,又稱為益生源),則是指可以刺激腸道裏的好菌生長的「營養素」。這類的物質,就是我們常聽到的膳食纖維、菊糖 (Inulin)和寡糖等。『益菌生』物質能夠被人體腸胃的『益生菌』,利用而產生有機酸,刺激腸蠕動,並且能促進『益生菌』的生長,抑制壞菌數量,使腸 道更健康。
『益 生菌』的好處,主要在於傳統的「維護腸道健康,預防腹瀉、便秘及腸癌」以及「幫助消化吸收,促進維他命的合成」等腸道健康以及消化上的問題,然而,愈來愈 多的研究顯示,還有更多的作用值得進一步探討。其中主要包括:1. 增強免疫力。臨床試驗顯示,『益生菌』可以激發人體巨噬細胞等非特異性免疫反應,及刺激淋巴系統產生抗體等特異性免疫反應,同時可以激發γ干擾素的分泌, 增加血清抗體IgA的含量,因此,可預防腸病毒感染。研究報告也顯示,益生菌可降低冠狀病毒對呼吸系統的感染,治療感冒;與2. 減少過敏。科學家發現,人體免疫系統中,居樞紐地位的中心細胞T淋巴球(T Lymphocytes),可依其所分泌的細胞素不同,而分成;a. 主要分泌γ干擾素,促進細胞免疫反應的Th1淋巴球;以及b. 主要分泌細胞間白素,並促使B淋巴球分泌免疫球蛋白E(IgE)抗體,以促進體液免疫的Th2淋巴球二型。而,兩者間具有動態的平衡關係,將影響免疫系統 對抗原的反應;如,Th2反應太強勢,就會出現過敏症狀。初生嬰兒的免疫機制偏向易造成過敏的Th2。『益生菌』有助新生兒建立平衡的Th1/Th2免疫 機制。
人體隨著年紀增長、飲食習慣與健康狀況不佳等,造成體內『益生菌』的大幅減少,使得其他 菌群如 C. perfringens、Streptococcus spp.、Enterobacter 等病原性或腐生性細菌群成為占優勢的族群;它們的代謝分解作用,產生多種可能的致癌性,或人體老化有關的非極性脂溶性代謝物,與胺類或酚類等有毒的物質, 伴隨而來的,即是機能上的衰退與代謝障礙,這就是人體老化與病變的開始。故增加腸道內的『益生菌』,維持菌叢生態相的平衡狀態,將有助於身體的健康與保 健。
所以,如果將所謂 Probiotic (益生菌)與 Prebiotic (益菌生),兩種東西加在一起經常食用,對身體的健康效果更好。因此,經常飲用含豐富活乳酸菌以及天然黃豆膳食纖維與黃豆寡糖的「義美豆奶優酪乳」,就可以輕鬆的達到胃腸保健的目的了。
- strep
- [名][形]((略式))連鎖球菌(streptococcus)(の).
- strep throat
- [C][U]((略式))急性ののどの炎症, 連鎖球菌咽喉炎.
- streptococcus
- [名](複 -ci 〔-sai | -kai〕)《細菌》連鎖球菌.strèp・to・cóc・cal[形]
- streptomycin
- [名][U]《薬学》ストレプトマイシン:結核治療用抗生物質.
- streptothricin
- [名][U]《薬学》ストレプトスリシン, ストレプトスライシン(抗生物質).
- 音節
- Di • as • po • ra
- 発音
- daiǽspərə
- Diasporaの変化形
- Diasporas (複数形)
[名]((the 〜))((形式))ディアスポラ.
(1) (バビロン捕囚後の)ユダヤ人の離散(Dispersion);(一般に家族などの)離散.
(2) ((集合的))離散して他国に住むユダヤ人;その国々.
2 ((d-))少数異教徒集団.(1) (バビロン捕囚後の)ユダヤ人の離散(Dispersion);(一般に家族などの)離散.
(2) ((集合的))離散して他国に住むユダヤ人;その国々.