2023年5月22日 星期一

corpus, tear into, roll, roll over, preachy, volvo "I roll" Good Night, Sweet Prince


Armed robbers, one armed with a knife, stole 600 rolls of toilet paper outside a supermarket in Hong Kong on Monday.
Full story here: https://sc.mp/rcnjs

Learning to kill was harder. She practised at the slaughterhouse, serenely confident, as she would tell preachy Americans later, that these bulls would otherwise die by the hammer, an “unsporting” end. At first she closed her eyes, missing the vital spinal gap where her dagger had to fall. She forced herself not only to look, but to stay still as the bull charged her. Only then could she see the spot. The keen, true thrust, and the instantaneous death, made her sing with joy. In her fairly short career—she retired in 1950, at 27, wanting to marry a man who would not roll over so readily—she killed more than 750 bulls, happily collecting their ears, tails and feet.

  1. 1.
    a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.
    "the Darwinian corpus"
  2. 2.
    the main body or mass of a structure.

tear into
phrasal verb of tear
  1. 1.
    attack someone verbally.
    "she tore into him: ‘Don't you realize what you've done to me?’"
    let fly at
    lay into
    lash out at
    set upon
    fall on
    turn on
    pounce on
    round on
    remonstrate with
    take to task
    pull up
    read someone the Riot Act
    go on at
    haul over the coals
    lace into
    sail into
    pitch into
    let someone have it
    get stuck into
    do over
    knock about
    knock around
    rough up
    set about
    have a go at
  2. 2.
    make an energetic or enthusiastic start on something.
    "a jazz trio are tearing into the tune with gusto"

volo- 飛ぶ

Volvo means "I roll" in Latin, conjugated from "volvere". The name Volvo was originally registered in May 1911 as a separate company within SKF AB and as a registered trademark with the intention to be used for a special series of ball bearing, but this idea was only used for a short period of time and SKF decided to use "SKF" as the trademark for all its bearing products.

  1. The act or process of rolling over.
  2. An accident in which a motor vehicle overturns.
  3. The act or an instance of rolling over funds: an IRA rollover.

roll (MOVE)
1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to (cause to) move somewhere by turning over and over or from side to side:
The vase rolled off the edge of the table and smashed.
The dog rolled over onto its back.
I rolled the wheel along the side of the road back to the car.

2 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to move somewhere easily and without sudden movements:
A tear rolled down his cheek.
A wave of cigarette smoke rolled towards me.
The piano's on wheels, so we can roll it into the room.

3 [I] If an aircraft or a ship rolls, it leans to one side and then to the other because of the wind or waves.

4 [I] If a machine is rolling, it is operating:
Just as the television cameras started rolling, it began to pour down with rain.

5 [T] If you roll your eyes, you move them so that you are looking up, to show that you consider someone or something stupid or foolish:
When he suggested they should buy a new car, she rolled her eyes in disbelief.

1 [C] when something or someone rolls on the ground:
The dog went for a roll in the grass.

2 [U] The roll of a ship or aircraft is its movement from side to side in the water or air.

1 [C] a tube-shaped object in a machine that turns over and over in order to carry things along or press them down or together:
As the hot metal passed between the huge rollers it was pressed into thin sheets.
See also roller at roll (SMOOTH).

2 [C usually plural] a tube-shaped device, often heated, that women use to curl their hair:
She answered the door with her rollers in.

3 [C] a large, long wave on the sea

roll over

  1. The act or process of rolling over.
  2. An accident in which a motor vehicle overturns.
  3. The act or an instance of rolling over funds: an IRA rollover.

Rollover is a type of vehicle accident, where a vehicle turns over on its side or roof. The main cause for rolling over is turning too sharply while moving too fast.
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
  1. 滾動;打滾[Q]
  2. 硬幣滾到床底下去了。
  3. (眼睛等)轉動
  4. (船隻,身體等)搖擺;搖晃
  5. 船搖晃得很厲害。
  6. 發出隆隆聲;囀鳴
  7. 鼓聲隆隆。
  8. (機器等)運轉;啟動;(車)行駛
  9. 那輛卡車全速向前奔馳。
  10. (時間)流逝
  11. (地勢)起伏;伸展
  12. 捲;繞;蜷縮
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
  1. 使滾動;使打滾[O]
  2. 捲,繞[(+up)]
  3. 她捲起袖子開始準備晚餐。
  4. 轉動;旋轉;用車載運
  5. 他的眼珠對著她骨碌碌地轉。
  6. 擲(骰子)
  7. 輾,軋
  8. 擂(鼓);發(捲舌音或顫音)
n. (名詞 noun)
  1. 滾動;打滾[C]
  2. (一)捲;捲狀物[C][(+of)]
  3. 請給我買一捲底片(軟片)。
  4. 麵包捲;捲餅[C]
  5. 擂鼓聲;隆隆聲[the S][(+of)]
  6. 隆隆的雷聲震耳欲聾。
  7. 名單,名冊[C]
  8. 左右搖晃
  9. 醉漢搖搖晃晃地走著。
  10. 【美】一捲鈔票,錢
━━ vi. ころがる; 転げ回る ((about)); 〔話〕 笑いこける; (目が)ぎょろぎょろする; 〔米俗〕 (車などが)ひっくり返る; 横揺れする; ゆらゆらしながら歩く, 左右に腰を振って歩く; (波・平原などが)うねる, ゆるやかに起伏する; (雲・霧・煙が)うねうね漂う, ゆらゆら昇る (The mist ~ed away. 霧がはれた); (車などが)進んで行く ((along, by, on)); (歳月が)めぐる ((around, round)); (時間が)過ぎ去る; (仕事が)はかどる; (カメラ・輪転機などが)回る; 動き出す; (雷が)とどろく; ごろごろ鳴る; 丸まる, 体を丸める, くるまる ((up)); ((副詞(句)を伴って)) (練り粉などが)伸びる.
━━ vt. ころがす; 〔米俗〕 (車などを)ひっくり返す; (目を)ぎょろぎょろさせる; 〔米〕 (さいころを)投げる; 【海事】横ゆれさせる ((cf. pitch2)); 揺する; 〔俗〕 (酔っぱらいなどから)懐中物を盗む; (車などを)動かす; (カメラなどを)回す; ごろごろ鳴らす, 重みのある声で言う[歌う] ((out)); 丸める ((into)); 巻く, くるむ; 巻舌で発音する; ローラーでならす, めん棒で延ばす.
be rolling in 〔話〕 …がいっぱいある (She is ~ing in money.).
be rolling (in it) 〔話〕 金がうなるほどある.
roll back 巻返す; 〔米〕 (統制によって物価を)元に戻す; 撃退する.
roll by (車などが)傍を通過する; 歳月が経つ.
roll down (ブラインドなどを)ハンドルを回して下ろす.
rolled into one (異質のものが)1つに合わさって.
roll in (波が)寄せて来る; (金などが)ころげ込む; 〔話〕 ふらりとやってくる, 帰り着く; 〔話〕 床に就く; 【コンピュータ】ロールインする ((データを補助記憶装置から主記憶装置に転送すること)).
roll on ころがり進む; (歳月が)過ぎ去る; (靴下などを)巻き戻しながら身に着ける.
roll out 転がり出る; 〔米話〕 起きる; 転がして広げる; ローラー[めん棒]で平らにする; 野太い声で言う[歌う]; 〔話〕 大量生産する; 【コンピュータ】ロールアウトする ((データを主記憶装置から補助記憶装置に転送すること)).
roll over 寝返りを打つ.
roll up 巻く, くるむ; 丸くなる; 巻き上げる[がる]; 立昇る; (金が)たまる; 集める; 〔話〕 現れる; 【軍】(敵の)側面を撃退して包囲する.
━━ n. ころがり, 回転; うねり; 巻物, ひと巻き, (巻いた)一本 ((of)); ロールパン; ローラー; (巻いた)文書; 表, 名簿 (call the ~ 点呼する); (単数形で) とどろき ((of)); 【コンピュータ】(画面内文字の)縦方向移動; 【海事】横ゆれ; 【航空】横転; 〔米話〕 札束, 資本.
on a roll 〔米話〕 (賭(か)け事などで)勝ち続きで; 幸運[つき]が続いて.
on the rolls 名簿にのって.
on the rolls of fame 歴史に名を残して.
strike off the rolls 弁護士名簿から除名する.
roll・back 巻返し; (統制による)物価引下げ; 【コンピュータ】ロールバック.
roll bar ロールバー ((レーシングカーなどの車体上の保護用金属棒)).
roll call 点呼.
rolled ━━ a. 巻いた; 丸めた; 押し伸ばした.
rolled gold 金メッキ(された金属).
rolled oats 押しカラス麦.
rolled-up a. 丸めた; まくり上げた.
roll・ing ━━ a., n. rollする(こと); 〔話〕 うなるほど金を持った.
rolling friction 【工】ころがり摩擦.
rolling mill 板金[圧延]工場.
rolling pin めん棒.
rolling stock ((集合的)) 鉄道車両.
rolling stone 〔話〕 住所不定者, 定職のない人; (R- S-) 『ローリング・ストーン』 ((米国製のロック音楽専門誌)).
Rolling Stones (the ~) ローリングストーンズ ((1962年結成の英国のロックバンド)).
roll of honor (戦死者・受賞者などの)栄誉者名簿.
roll-on ━━ a., n. 回転塗布式の(化粧品など).
roll-on/roll-off 〔英〕 車を運転したまま乗り降りできる ((フェリーなど)).
roll・out (新型航空機の)初公開; (飛行機の)着地後の滑走; 〔話〕 新製品紹介.
roll・over (車などの)転覆(事故); ロールオーバー, 資金の回転調達[借りつなぎ].
roll paper 【コンピュータ】ロール紙.
roll-top desk たたみ込み式のふたのある机.
roll-up 〔英〕 手巻きの紙たばこ.
