2009年1月31日 星期六

sitter, model

1. on Page 31:
" ... sitter comes to think he looks like his portrait. Remember Picasso's reply to Gertrude Stein's friends when they told him that ... "

sitter Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 someone who is having their portrait (= picture of their face or body) painted

2 a babysitter
See at babysit.

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One that serves as the subject for an artist, especially a person employed to pose for a painter, sculptor, or photographer.

model (PERSON) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who wears clothes so that they can be photographed or shown to possible buyers, or a person who is employed to be photographed or painted:
a fashion/nude model
She's going out with a male model.
I worked as an artist's model when I was a student.
See also supermodel.

model Show phonetics
verb [I or T] -ll- or US USUALLY -l-
to wear fashionable clothes, jewellery, etc. in order to advertise them:
Tatjana is modelling a Versace design.
I used to model when I was younger.


━━ n. 着席者; (写真・肖像画の)モデル; 〔話〕 楽な仕事; =baby-sitter; 〔話〕 (サッカーでの)易しいシュート.
sitter-in n.pl. sitters-in) 〔英〕 =baby-sitter; 座り込みに参加する人.
