The economic downturn is being felt in China too, not least because China
relies heavily on exports for its growth.
The DW-WORLD Article
Doctors Will Make Web Calls in Hawaii
verb [I]
to visit someone, especially for a short time:
The electrician must have called (round) this morning when we were out - there's a note on the door mat.
callnoun [C]
a short, especially official visit, usually made by someone whose job is connected with health:
Doctor Seward is out on a call this morning.
The nurse has got a few calls to make this afternoon.
SLIGHTLY OLD-FASHIONED I thought I'd pay a call on (= visit) an old friend of mine this weekend.
noun [C]
a visitor
adverb, determiner, pronoun
less than anything or anyone else; the smallest amount or number:
This group is the least likely of the four to win.
Disaster struck when we least expected it.
It was the answer she least wanted to hear.
I like the green one least of all.
He's the relative I like (the) least.
No one believed her, least of all (= especially not) the police.
They refused to admit her, not least because (= there were several reasons but this was an important one) she hadn't got her membership card with her.
used for emphasis with nouns:
I haven't the least idea (= I do not know) who he was.
She hasn't the least interest (= She has no interest) in the project.