2009年1月30日 星期五

medina, gem, tour de force, luxe, lux


ON From a seventh-century medina to luxe hotels by the beach, the ancient capital of Tunis is a many-faceted gem.

Lux in Tenebris Lucet—“The light that shines in the darkness”

"This book is a gem. Bénassy has managed the tour de force of presenting concisely the current debate on monetary policy, and of taking it into the little-explored territory of non-Ricardian models. He writes with his usual crispness and sharpness, and the reader comes out of the book's ten chapters wanting to learn more."


━━ n., vt. (-mm-) 宝石(をちりばめる); 大切な[美しい]もの[人,珠玉,逸品] ((of)).
Gem State (the ~) 米国アイダホ州の俗称.

tour de force

[F.] 力わざ, 離れわざ, 妙技; 力作.

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tour de force noun [S]
an achievement or performance which shows great skill and attracts admiration:
a technical/musical/political tour de force
The painting/book/film is a tour de force.
n., pl. tours de force (tūr').

A feat requiring great virtuosity or strength, often deliberately undertaken for its difficulty: “In an extraordinary structural tour de force the novel maintains a dual focus” (Julian Moynahan).

[French : tour, turn, feat + de, of + force, strength.]


(mĭ-dē') pronunciation
n.n. - 麥地那

The old section of an Arab city in North Africa.

[Arabic madīna, city, from Aramaic mədintā, mədinā, jurisdiction, district, from dān, to judge, administer.]

Wikipedia article "Medina (disambiguation)"

deluxe, de luxe PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
adjective [usually before noun]
luxurious and of very high quality:
a deluxe hotel in Paris

lux PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [C] plural lux SPECIALIZED
a measure of the amount of light produced by something
