2009年1月11日 星期日

showman, tanbark, ringmaster, greasepaint

Goodbye Greasepaint: Veteran Showman Exits the Tent
Paul Binder, the 66-year-old founder, artistic director and ringmaster of the Big Apple Circus, will be stepping away from the tanbark next year after three decades as boss man of the little top.


  1. A theatrical producer.
  2. A man who has a flair for dramatic or ostentatious behavior.
showmanship show'man·ship' n.


  1. The bark of various trees used as a source of tannin.
  2. Shredded bark from which the tannin has been extracted, used to cover circus arenas, racetracks, and other surfaces.
  3. See tan oak.

WordNet: greasepaint
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun has one meaning:

Meaning #1: a greasy substance used as makeup by actors

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Apple's Showman Takes the Stage
Apple CEO Steve Jobs surprised a crowd of fans by taking the stage to unveil the next version of his company's iPad tablet. The iPad 2, which has two cameras, will start at $499 and go on sale March 11.