2009年1月12日 星期一

broad-brush. fuzzy mzth, 'hypermiling', Locavore

Her broad brush of the U.S. industry may leave readers
wanting more stories and details on how the Big Three lost their grip.
Instead, her re-telling of how Ford neglected the Taurus family sedan
and lost its No. 1 ranking to the Camry has an outsiders' feel, which
contrasts to the insider's feel of her reporting on Toyota and Honda.

On Saturday, Christina Romer, the future head of the Council of Economic Advisers, and Jared Bernstein, who will be the vice president’s chief economist, released estimates of what the Obama economic plan would accomplish. Their report is reasonable and intellectually honest, which is a welcome change from the fuzzy math of the last eight years.

According to a Chicago Tribune blog called Change of Subject, 'hypermiling' has been named by the New Oxford American Dictionary as word of the year. Last year's word was Locavore - someone who only eats food grown or harvested within a 100 mile radius of one's home.
Hypermiling was a term coined by this guy and its definition, though kind of fuzzy, means basically to maximize the fuel efficiency of your vehicle by employing a variety of tactics. Techniques range from easy, like keeping your speedometer at around 55 mpg, to extreme such as "driving without brakes."
Of course you DO have brakes, but not using them saves energy normally consumed by stop-and-go travel.
More links on hypermiling from the Times-Picayune:
• Slow and steady wins the drive
• Hypermiling, the safe way
• Simple gas-saving moves can pay off for commuters
fuzzy mzth,模糊數學

1 (of an image) having shapes that do not have clear edges, or (of a sound, especially from a television, radio, etc.) not clear, usually because of other unwanted noises making it difficult to hear:
Is the picture always fuzzy on your TV?
You can pick up a lot of stations on the car radio but the sound is usually a bit fuzzy.
See also fuzzy at fuzz.

2 INFORMAL unclear:
The basic facts of the story are starting to emerge though the details are still fuzzy.
My head's a bit fuzzy (= I cannot think clearly) this morning after all that wine last night.

broad-brush or broad brush ( 寬或大號畫筆所畫的) 概略的或大筆一揮而成的
Sweepingly general in scope or thrust: an unfair, broad-brush indictment of all public officials.
