"The Ambassador of Jesus" by Paula Rego was one of the more than 100 works of art destroyed in the warehouse fire.
1. 【人】 大使,使節,特使 ( embassy, minister )
the American Ambassador to Japan 美國駐日本大使
the Japanese Ambassador in London [to the Court of St. James's] 日本駐英大使
an ambassador extraordinary 特命大使
an ambassador plenipotentiary 全權大使
an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全權大使
an ordinary [resident] ambassador 常駐[駐在]大使
a roving ambassador 巡迴大使,無任所大使.
Invested with or conferring full powers: a plenipotentiary deputy.
n., pl. -ies.A diplomatic agent, such as an ambassador, fully authorized to represent his or her government.
[Medieval Latin plēnipotentiārius, from Late Latin plēnipotēns, plēnipotent-, invested with full power : Latin plēnus, full + Latin potēns, powerful; see potent.]
━━ n. 全権大使[委員].━━ a. 全権を有する; 絶対的権力の.