2009年1月26日 星期一

Urban Legends, douche, acidity,cold shower, obstetrics

The belief that Coca-Cola works as an after-sex spermicide is nothing but urban legend, a scientist cautions in the British Medical Journal.


Professor of obstetrics and gynaecology Deborah Anderson says that Coca-cola douches were sometimes used in 1950s and 1960s America in the belief that the drink’s acidity killed sperm.


Cold Showers (Douches froides) is a French 2005 film directed by Antony Cordier.

Computer Desktop Encyclopedia: urban legend

Myths about anything and everything that barely have a shred of truth in them, yet seem to take on a persistent life of their own. Before the Internet, such urban folklore as "alligators in New York City sewers" was carried in magazines and newspapers. Today, they speed around the world in a few seconds. For more information, visit www.snopes.com.

Snopes (pronounced /ˈsnoʊps/), also known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is a web site that is the best-known resource for validating and debunking urban legends, Internet rumors, e-mail forwards, and other such stories of uncertain or questionable origin in American popular culture.[1]

cold shower
A surprisingly chilly reception, reaction, or response, as in The small voter turnout was a cold shower to the League of Women Voters. The allusion in this term is to the unexpected and not always pleasant effect of an ice-cold shower. [Second half of 1900s]


━━ n. 産科学.
obstetric, obstetrical


━━ n. 【医】灌注(かんちゅう)(液); 灌水器.
━━ v. 灌注する.
