2009年1月20日 星期二

blue (SAD), can afford

bbc《每日電訊報》在頭版以"藍色星期一" (錯譯) 為標題,并以大字列出一些數字,那就是皇家蘇格蘭銀行損失280億英鎊,創歷史最高損失紀錄﹔股票價格降低了67%﹔納稅人需要再出資3500億英鎊拯救銀行。

Blue Monday is a name given to a date stated, as part of a publicity campaign by Sky Travel, to be the most depressing day of the year.

By WALECIA KONRAD As the recession intensifies, more Americans are delaying doctor visits and medical treatments. What can you safely postpone, and what must be treated now?

afford (BE ABLE)
can afford to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time:
I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.
Few people are able to afford cars like that.
She couldn't afford the time off work to see him.
[+ to infinitive] I can't afford to buy a house.

not expensive:
nice clothes at affordable prices

cannot afford (FORMAL can ill afford)
If you cannot afford to do something, you must not do it because it would cause serious problems for you:
We can't afford to make any mistakes at this stage in the project.
He can ill afford to fail any of his exams.

blue (SAD)
adjective [after verb] INFORMAL
feeling or showing sadness:
He's been a bit blue since he failed his exams.

noun [U]
a type of slow, sad music, originally from the southern US, in which the singer typically sings about their difficult life or bad luck in love:
Billie Holiday was famous for singing the blues.
a famous blues singer
