“A positive way to look at what Google is doing,” he said, “is that it is advancing the circulating of books and leveling these distinctions.”
circulate Show phoneticsverb [I or T]
to move around or through something, or to make something move around or through something:
Hot water circulates through the heating system.
I try to circulate (= move around and talk to a lot of people) at a party and not just stay with the friends I came with.
I've circulated a good luck card for everyone to sign.
circulation Show phonetics
1 [U] when something such as information, money or goods passes from one person to another:
Police have warned that there are a lot of fake £50 notes in circulation.
Add her name to the circulation list for this report (= the people who will be given it to read).
FIGURATIVE I hear she's out of circulation/back in circulation (= taking part/not taking part in social activities) after her accident.
2 [C usually singular] the number of people to whom a newspaper or magazine is regularly sold:
The paper has a circulation of 150 000.
3 [U] the movement of blood around the body:
Exercise helps to improve circulation.
━━ v. めぐる[らす], 循環する[させる]; 流布(るふ)[流通]する[させる], 配布する.
cir・cu・lat・ing ━━ a. 循環する; 巡回する.
circulating capital 流動資本.
circulating decimal 【数】循環小数.
circulating library 貸し本屋.
circulating register 【コンピュータ】循環レジスタ.
cir・cu・la・tion ━━ n. 循環; 流通; 配布; 発行部数; 売れ行き; 通貨; (うわさなどの)流布, 伝播(でんぱ).
in [out of] circulation 流布して[していない], 流通して[していない].
circulation guarantee 保証発行部数 ((広告料の基準となる)).
cir・cu・la・tor ━━ n. (うわさなどを)言いふらす人; 循環装置; 【数】循環小数.
━━ a. (血液)循環の.
cir・cu・lat・ing ━━ a. 循環する; 巡回する.
circulating capital 流動資本.
circulating decimal 【数】循環小数.
circulating library 貸し本屋.
circulating register 【コンピュータ】循環レジスタ.
cir・cu・la・tion ━━ n. 循環; 流通; 配布; 発行部数; 売れ行き; 通貨; (うわさなどの)流布, 伝播(でんぱ).
in [out of] circulation 流布して[していない], 流通して[していない].
circulation guarantee 保証発行部数 ((広告料の基準となる)).
cir・cu・la・tor ━━ n. (うわさなどを)言いふらす人; 循環装置; 【数】循環小数.
━━ a. (血液)循環の.