2009年1月10日 星期六

charter school, kindergartener,haven

Kindergartners at Twin Cities International Elementary School, a charter school in downtown Minneapolis founded by leaders of the city's large East African community. For some immigrant families, charter schools have become havens where their children are shielded from the American youth culture that pervades large district schools.

charter school 是美國教育"新制" 讀起來有點" (非地方主管)公辦民營"調調

A public school operated independently of the local school board, often with a curriculum and educational philosophy different from the other schools in the system.


n. (Abbr. K)

A program or class for four-year-old to six-year-old children that serves as an introduction to school.

[German : Kinder, genitive pl. of Kind, child (from Middle High German kint, from Old High German kind) + Garten, garden (from Middle High German garte, from Old High German garto).]



also kin·der·gar·ten·er n.
  1. A child who attends kindergarten.
  2. A teacher in a kindergarten.

[German Kindergärtner, from Kindergarten, kindergarten. See kindergarten.]

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haven Show phonetics
noun [C]
a safe or peaceful place:
The garden was a haven from the noise and bustle of the city.
They wanted to provide safe havens for the refugees.



━━ n. 天国; (H-) 神; (普通the ~s) 上空, 天; 天国(のような場所); 極楽, 最高の幸せ.


━━ n. 港; 避難所 (refuge).
