2009年1月6日 星期二

Let go, Let Really go. trouvaille

But of course she has been a writer all along. Her journal is her true first book, the story of a woman struggling with her consciousness. One entry reads, in its entirety, "need for order." You wish you could tell her that in your work you can create order. But in your life? Not a chance. Let go, Susan. Let go Let Really go.


  •  〈フランス語〉掘り出し物
n. lucky find; ingenious idea. 意外偶得之
[F., from trouver, to find] /troo-VYE/ something discovered by chance; a windfall

*Ghê- is the PIE root from which go comes. It had the sense of "To release, let go; to be released; to go" (but in the middle voice).
