2009年1月15日 星期四

"mass taunting" or "collective needling.", gargantuan, inelegantly-named

Tapping TARP
HAS THERE ever been a less lovable governmental entity than the Treasury Department's Troubled Assets Relief Program? Conceived amid an election-season crisis, priced at a gargantuan $700 billion, and reluctantly approved by Congress, the inelegantly-named financial bailout plan has been struggli...
(The Washington Post)

Google to face charges over Down syndrome
Times Online - UK
Google is to face criminal charges in Italy over a video which appeared on one of its sites showing a disabled teenager being taunted by his peers. ...

He is always taunting, testing limits, playing, up to some finely calculated point, with others' emotions. The essence of his spiritual gift is an edged gaiety, an Indic variety of kidding on the level, which keeps everyone—intimates, followers, rivals, officials, wisdom seekers from the West—psychologically off balance, unable to find their moral feet with him. Forged into a political instrument this becomes the famous Satyagraha, which literally means "truth force" or "perseverance in truth," is usually translated as "passive resistance" or (somewhat better) "militant non-violence," but which could perhaps be most informatively rendered as "mass taunting" or "collective needling." What in the end Gandhi did to colonial India was drive it to distraction.

“Satyagraha” (a Sanskrit term that means truth force) is more a musical ritual than a traditional opera. Impressionistic and out of sequence, it relates the story of Mohandas K. Gandhi’s fight for the civil rights of the Indian minority in South Africa from 1893 to 1914. The staging — created by Phelim McDermott, director, and Julian Crouch, associate director and set designer, for the Met and the English National Opera, where it was seen last year — makes inventive use of fanciful imagery, aerialists, gargantuan puppets and theatrical spectacle to convey the essence of a self-consciously spiritual work.


taunt Show phonetics
verb [T]
to intentionally annoy and upset someone by making unkind remarks to them, laughing at them, etc:
The other children used to taunt him in the playground because he was fat and wore glasses.

taunt Show phonetics
noun [C]
The protesters shouted taunts at the police.

needle (ANNOY) Show phonetics
to annoy someone, especially by repeated criticism:
His mother was always needling him about getting a job.

现代音乐作曲家-Philip Glass 歌劇《真理堅固(Satyagraha)》Philip Glass 受荷蘭鹿特丹市委託所作的歌劇 Satyagraha 於1980年9月首演,旨在敘述及闡揚甘地所創造的 Satyagraha 精神,...全劇以梵文演唱,歌詞則取材自薄伽梵歌當中的經文。歌劇的第一幕被命名為 Tolstoy,代表的


gargantuan PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
very large:
a problem of gargantuan proportions
a gargantuan appetite
