Redskins' backfield stares into uncertain future - Analysis
OPFOR: History Archives
- ... Barbara Tuchman, Stillwell and the American Experience in China. ...... Chasing the redcoats down the lane, Then crossing the fields to emerge again ...... commendation and decoration leathernecks can earn for their actions in war. ...Redcoats and Rebels: The American Revolution through British Eyesredcoat

A British soldier, especially one serving during the American Revolution.

n. Slang
A member of the U.S. Marine Corps.
[From the leather neckband that was once part of the uniform.]
n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a Native American.

n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a Native American.
n. - 斜紋織物
v. tr. - 把...織成斜紋
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - あや織物, あや織り, 綾織り
v. - あや織りする
Wikipedia article "Twill"
