2024年4月15日 星期一

dust, dust off, clean, hands down, sit on your hands. With Iran's assault successfully repelled, the onus is now on Israel,

Opinion: With Iran's assault successfully repelled, the onus is now on Israel, writes Emile Hokayem, director of regional security at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. https://on.ft.com/3xC5FG4

OPINION | China no longer wins hands down on costs, so the stars are lining up for some U.S. manufacturers to head home, writes Diana Choyleva.
Glasserie dusted off customer email lists, kept coming up with new dishes and started selling online everything from bottles of wine to toilet paper. It was constant improvisation. “There is no book or anything that we’re following,” Conklin said.

第 285 頁
Clean is one thing for dishes and for knives and forks in a restaurant; something else in the manufacture of hard discs for a computer, ...

As Prices Keep Plummeting, Oil Drillers Sit on Their Hands

The low turnout at an auction on the Gulf of Mexico for drilling leases was the clearest sign yet that the fortunes of oil companies are skidding so fast that they now must reduce plans for production well into the future.

EuroVox | 25.02.2008 | 05:30
"Dust" Blankets Germany’s Cinema Screens

For most, it's a nuisance, for some, it's dangerous. A few find a speck of creativity inside -- and scientists believe it to be the root of all life. It’s dust.

In a new documentary called "Staub" in German, or "Dust", audiences meet, among others, a dust ball artist, a quantum physicist, and a woman with a cleaning neurosis. The film delves into the microscopic world that surrounds us and yet goes virtually unseen. Eurovox speaks with filmmaker Hartmut Bitomsky on what intrigued him about dust.


━━ n. ちり, ほこり, 砂ぼこり; ちりを払うこと; 粉末, 花粉; 〔詩〕 (the ~) 遺骸; くず (~ and ashes ちりあくた); 人体; 人間; (the ~) 土, 墓; 屈辱; 混乱; 現なま.
in the dust 死んで; 屈辱を受けて.
kick up [make, raise] a dust 〔話〕 騒ぎを起す ((about, over)).
lick [bite, kiss] the dust 寝込む; (提案などが)葬られる; (機械などが)だめになる.
shake the dust off one's feet 憤然として去る.
throw dust in …'s eyes だます.
when the dust settles [has settled] 騒ぎが治まると.
━━ vt. (粉を)ふりかける ((over, on, onto)); ちりを払う ((off, down)).
━━ vi. ちりを払う; (鳥が)砂浴びをする.
dust down 〔話〕 …をしかる.
dust off …を再び学び始める[使う]; 【野】…にビーンボールを投げる.
to prepare something for use, especially after it has not been used for a long time: It's time to dust off the old chemistry books and start studying. UK They brought out the old ambulances, dusted them down and put them back ...

dust・bin 〔英〕 (生)ごみ入れ.
Dust Bowl (the ~) 黄塵地帯 ((1930年代に土砂嵐の害を受けたTexas, Oklahoma両州にまたがる草原地帯)).
dust bowl 乾燥地帯.
dust cart 〔英〕 ごみ集め車.
dust・coat 〔英〕 ダスターコート.
dust core 【電気】ダストコア, 圧粉磁心[鉄心].
dust cover (機器などの)ほこりよけカバー; =dustsheet; =dust jacket.
dust devil つむじ風; 砂じん旋風.
dust・er ━━ n. ちりを払う人; はたき, 雑巾; (こしょう・砂糖の)ふりかけ器, 散布器; ダスターコート; (婦人の)家庭着.
dust jacket (本の)表紙カバー.
dust・less ━━ a.
dust・man 〔英〕 ごみ掃除人; 眠りの精 (sandman).
dust・pan ちり取り.
dust・sheet ほこり除け(布).
dust storm 砂あらし.
dust・up 〔俗〕 騒動; けんか.
dust wrapper =dust jacket.
dust・y ━━ a. ちり[ほこり]だらけの; 粉末[ほこり]の; 灰色がかった; 生気のない; 〔英〕 不満足な; 無味乾燥な.
not so dusty 〔英俗〕 まんざら悪くもない.
dust・i・ly ad.
dust・i・ness n.
dusty answer 聞き手が満足しそうもない返事.
dusty miller 【植】シロタエギクの類; シロヨモギの類.

clean (NOT DIRTY) Show phonetics
not dirty:
a clean white shirt
clean air/water
Make sure your hands are clean before you have your dinner.
Hospitals need to be kept spotlessly (= extremely) clean.

1 [T] to remove dirt from something:
I'm going to clean the windows this morning.
You should always clean your teeth after meals.
Would you clean the fingermarks from/off the door?
He asked her to help him clean out the stables.
See also clean up (MAKE CLEAN).

2 [I usually + adverb or preposition] to become clean:
This carpet doesn't clean very well.
I hope these bloodstains will clean off my shirt.

3 [T] to prepare a fish or an animal killed for food by removing the inside parts of it that are not eaten

noun [S]
when something is cleaned:
These windows need a really thorough clean.
See also clean up (MAKE CLEAN).

cleaner Show phonetics
1 [C] a person whose job is to clean houses, offices, public places, etc:
Chris has an evening job as an office cleaner.

2 [C or U] a substance used for cleaning things:
We've run out of floor cleaner.

noun [C] plural cleaners
a shop where clothes that cannot be washed in an ordinary washing machine are cleaned:
Could you pick up my suit from the cleaner's for me, please?
See also dry cleaner's.

noun [U]
when you remove the dirt from things and places, especially in a house:
It's your turn to do the cleaning.
Joan has a cleaning job.

noun [U]
how clean something is
See also cleanliness.

hands down

If we had a race, he’d win hands down.
  • Used to talk about someone or something that is definitely the best or most important.

sit on your hands

 to do nothing, especially when you should be doing something:The President sat on his hands for three years and blamed Congress.to do nothing about a problem or a situation that needs dealing with:Every day the crisis worsens and yet the government seems content to sit on its hands.
